
Coffee varieties - Why each one has a unique taste

For many people, coffee is just coffee. But there are more and more enthusiastic coffee lovers for whom coffee is a specific variety . Just as there are different grape varieties for wine, there are different varieties of coffee. Everything is coffee, but with small or big differences. We will now look at the different types of coffee and how they change the taste of your coffee .

Coffee varieties – Arabica

Before we get to the varieties, coffee is divided into types: the most well-known are Arabica and Robusta . Each of these has different varieties. So let's take a look at the type that dominates two-thirds of the world market: Arabica.

The most important coffee varieties of the Arabica variety include names such as Bourbon, Maragogype, Mocha, Java and Typica. Less well-known are Amarella and Angustifolia. But there are many others such as Charrieriana, Geisha, Sumatra and Ethiopia. Then there are subspecies and hybrids . Let's take a quick look, but it doesn't claim to be complete. That would be a bit too long.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Typica

This variety is considered one of the oldest and most traditional. Typica plants tend to have a low yield, but the beans often produce complex flavors with a gentle acidity.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Villa Sarchi

Villa Sarchi is a variety that was discovered in Costa Rica in the 1950s. It is a natural cross between the Bourbon and Typica varieties . It is considered to be particularly suitable for the highest altitudes in coffee cultivation, from 1,600 to 2,200 meters, where it delivers an average yield under ideal growing conditions and produces a medium to good quality in the cup . It is resistant to coffee rust and nematodes.

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Coffee varieties – Arabica / Bourbon

Bourbon coffee originates from the island of La Réunion (formerly Bourbon) and is characterized by its high quality and versatility. Bourbon beans can have a wide range of flavors, from fruity to chocolaty .

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Red Bourbon

The ripe coffee cherries are red and the coffee made from these beans often offers subtle sweetness and light acidity in the taste . It is grown in various coffee regions around the world. Red Bourbon is valued for its rich aromas and complexity .

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Yellow Bourbon

The ripe coffee cherries are yellow and the coffee made from them tends to be a little sweeter and possibly milder in taste than Red Bourbon. It is also grown in various coffee regions around the world. This coffee variety is valued for its rich aromas and complexity, similar to Red Bourbon.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Bourbon Pointu (Excella)

This rare variety originates from the island of La Réunion and is known for its high-quality beans and complex flavor. Bourbon Pointu coffee is often considered one of the best coffees in the world and is highly sought after due to its limited availability and high price.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Mundo Novo

This variety is a cross between Bourbon and Typica and was first bred in Brazil. Mundo Novo plants are known for their high productivity and resistance to disease. The beans often produce a full-bodied coffee with a mild acidity.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Maragogipe (Elephant Bean)

This variety is characterized by its exceptionally large beans , which can be up to twice the size of regular Arabica beans. Maragogipe coffee is known for its mild flavor and smooth texture.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Pacas

Pacas is a coffee variety discovered and named in El Salvador. This variety arose from a natural mutation of Bourbon coffee trees and was named after the farmer who first identified it . Pacas coffee plants are known for their more compact size and resilient structure, making them a popular choice for growing in areas with limited space. The beans often have a balanced flavor with pleasant acidity and can have a variety of flavors, including notes of chocolate, nuts, and fresh fruit . Pacas is popular with both coffee producers and roasters worldwide due to its quality and versatility.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Pacamara

This cross between Pacas and Maragogipe combines the best characteristics of both parent strains. Pacamara plants often produce large, showy beans and can exhibit a wide range of flavors, from fruity to spicy.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Caturra

This variety is a mutation of the Bourbon plant and is characterized by smaller beans and a more compact growth habit. Caturra plants are often more productive than Bourbon, but the flavor profile can be similar . You can currently find this variety in our Easter espresso, for example.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Catuai

Catuai is a cross between Mundo Novo and Caturra and has been specifically bred to be more resistant to diseases and pests. The beans often have a good cup with balanced flavors .

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Catimor

Catimor is a group of hybrid coffee varieties that are the result of a cross between the Arabica varieties Caturra and Timor Hybrid . The Catimor variety is characterized by its high resistance to various diseases as well as its ability to thrive in different climatic conditions and at different altitudes. Catimor coffee trees can produce high yields and are often more resistant to drought and pest attacks than some traditional Arabica varieties.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Castillo

Castillo is a coffee variety specifically bred in Colombia to be more resistant to coffee rust and other diseases, especially coffee leaf rust. It is a cross between Caturra and Timor Hybrid. Castillo trees can produce high yields and are known to offer good cup quality with a balanced flavor profile.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Gesha or Geisha

This variety originally comes from Ethiopia and has attracted a lot of attention worldwide in recent years, especially for its complex and floral aromas . Gesha coffee is often considered one of the most expensive and exclusive coffees in the world . In our shop you will occasionally find a Geisha from Europe from the island of La Palma.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Heirloom

This term covers a variety of wild Arabica varieties from Ethiopia , the country of origin of coffee. These varieties are known for their variety of aromas, which can range from fruity and floral to spicy and earthy . You can currently find this variety in our Easter coffee, for example.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / SL28 and SL34

These two varieties were bred in Kenya and are known for their outstanding flavor and acidity. SL28 coffee often has flavors of blackcurrant and lemon , while SL34 coffee is fruity and spicy.

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Coffee varieties – Arabica / Ruiru 11

Ruiru 11 is a hybrid coffee variety specifically developed in Kenya to combat coffee rust disease , a widespread fungal disease that can cause major damage to coffee plants. This variety was bred by researchers at the Coffee Research Institute in Kenya and was first introduced in the 1980s. The Ruiru 11 variety is a cross between the SL28 and Rume Sudan varieties. In addition, this variety can produce high yields and offer good cup quality under suitable conditions.

Coffee varieties – Arabica / Batian

Batian is a relatively new coffee variety developed in Kenya and named after a mountain in Kenya. It was specifically bred to be more resistant to diseases such as coffee rust while still delivering high yields and good quality coffee. Batian is a cross between the Ruiru 11 and SL28 varieties. This coffee variety usually has good productivity and can deliver high yields under the right conditions. The beans often have good cup quality with a balanced flavor profile that combines fruity notes with a pleasant acidity.

This is only part of the list of varieties and subspecies that can be expanded, but this might spoil the reading pleasure of the rest of this article. So let's talk about Robusta and other varieties now .

Coffee varieties – Robusta

The Robusta and Canephora varieties are manageable in number. Some are called Nana, Apoata and Kouilou. Then there are a few that don't even have a proper name, just an abbreviation like CxR, S274, IF and so on.

Coffee varieties – Robusta / Conillon

The Conillon variety refers to a specific type of Robusta coffee grown primarily in Brazil. Conillon is also known as "Robusta Brasileiro" or "Coffea canephora var. Conillon". This variety is known for its resistance to diseases and pests, as well as its ability to thrive in different climates.

Coffee varieties – Robusta / Laurentii:

The Robusta variety "Laurentii" is a special subspecies of Robusta coffee known for its decorative leaves. The Laurentii variety is distinguished from other Robusta varieties by its leaves, which have an unusual yellow color with green stripes. This striking coloring makes it an attractive ornamental plant in landscape designs. Although the Laurentii variety is grown primarily for its aesthetic features, it still bears the typical characteristics of Robusta coffee.

Since Robusta coffee is inherently very resistant to nature and pests , there has probably never been such an urgent reason to breed many more varieties as is the case with Arabica coffee. In addition, Robusta makes up "only" a third of the world market. Nevertheless, there are enough Robusta varieties.

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Coffee varieties – Liberica

Coffea Liberica is a much rarer type of coffee than Robusta and Arabica. It is still practically insignificant on the world market . Nevertheless, it should be mentioned because recently coffee farmers have been increasingly cultivating Liberica and roasters have also become interested in it. We will also soon be offering a small amount of Liberica from our new coffee farmers in India , Hoysala Coffee & Spices.

Coffee varieties – Liberica / Dewevrei

This variety was named after the Belgian botanist Georges Laurent Dewevre. It is often valued for its large leaves and beans .

Coffee varieties – Liberica / Hillardiae

This variety is named after the botanist AH Hillard and is often valued for its resistance to certain diseases .

Coffee varieties – Liberica / Ganden

This variety is grown in West Africa and is known for its large beans and strong flavor .

Coffea Liberica is often grown in West Africa and some parts of Southeast Asia and India. Liberica coffee generally has larger beans and a milder acidity compared to Arabica and Robusta. Its taste is often described as spicy .

Coffee varieties – the others

There are also varieties such as Excelsa, Mokka, Congensis, Stenophylla and many more. However, these are not used commercially. There are also low-caffeine and even caffeine-free varieties... but nobody wants those.

Coffee varieties – taste profiles

Many varieties have certain flavor profiles that dominate , such as sweetness, fruitiness, berries, citrus, and so on. You can see this as being analogous to wine, for example. The different grape varieties also have different flavor profiles. And of course there is also the soil in which the coffee plant (or grapevine) grows, the weather, the minerals contained in the soil, the surrounding plants, the amount of sunshine, the amount of shade, etc. All of this influences natural products and their taste. It is therefore possible that one and the same coffee from one and the same region tastes different every year. That is why we cup the coffees regularly and do not just buy the same one every year. You can find out which variety you like best by trying it.

Coffee varieties – Conclusion

As mentioned at the beginning, this list does not claim to be complete , as that would be more like a multi-page dissertation. We think that we have created a pretty good overview and mentioned the most common coffee varieties. With that in mind , have fun exploring, tasting and finding your favorite variety . A complete overview of Arabica and Robusta varieties can be found on the World Coffee Research website.