
Coffee Recipes - Coffee Punch

It's crazy how time flies! The year 2022 is slowly coming to an end . It was a year full of events, hurdles and new insights that also had an impact on us at the Wildkaffee Rösterei. Nevertheless, together with you, we were able to make 2022 a great coffee year, which we want to round off perfectly with this blog article. In this article, we present to you our very own coffee punch, the perfect New Year's Eve coffee, so to speak, which you can enjoy with your loved ones for an excellent start to the new year 2023. You can enjoy the coffee punch with or without alcohol. Curious? Then you can read on now. We'll show you step by step how to prepare our coffee punch and what you need for it! Elias Fischbacher from the Wildkaffee Rösterei wishes you lots of fun making it.

Coffee punch – what exactly is it?

First of all, we want to tell you what our coffee punch is exactly. In general, our coffee punch is a warming drink that consists of homemade mulled wine and flavorful filter coffee .

Of course, you can also change the homemade mulled wine into homemade punch. It's more about the unique mixture of the spicy flavors of the mulled wine and the intensity of a high-quality filter coffee. The two together create a combination that you've definitely never discovered before. You'll find out how to prepare both components of the drink in the following sections.

coffee-punch-filter coffee

Coffee Punch - Let's start with our mulled wine

The basis for our coffee punch or New Year's Eve coffee is mulled wine. We prefer to make this ourselves because we know exactly what is in our cup and which quality wine was used for the mulled wine . Of course, you can also use ready-made mulled wine. However, we would recommend using a high-quality mulled wine with natural spices .

This is what you need for your mulled wine:

  • 1 litre red wine
  • 2 sticks of cinnamon
  • 3-4 cinnamon barks
  • 10 juniper berries
  • 8 allspice seeds
  • 8-10 peppercorns (red)
  • 6 cloves
  • 1-2 anise stars or a teaspoon of anise (be careful not to use too much anise)
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 2 slices of orange
  • Sugar according to taste

You can put all the ingredients together in a large pot and mix them together. Bring your mixture to the boil briefly and then turn the heat down to a lower level. Let the mixture steep for around 30 minutes and stir the mulled wine gently from time to time. You should taste the mulled wine regularly during preparation. This way you can ensure that the mulled wine for your coffee punch is not too sweet and that the seasoning is perfectly balanced.


Coffee Punch - Part 2 of the drink - the filter coffee

The second part of our coffee punch consists of a high-quality filter coffee . It is important that the filter coffee has particularly strong flavors. This is particularly important because, due to the intensity of the mulled wine, you would hardly have any coffee taste in the cup profile. For an excellent winter taste, we recommend our Christmas coffee! The coffee comes from the Ahuacapán region in El Salvador, South America. The blend of the two varieties Bourbon & Pacamara ensures a strong cup profile as a filter coffee with a milk chocolate flavor, which is rounded off with fine notes of almonds.

The best way to prepare Christmas coffee is the classic way: using a hand filter :

  1. Insert filter paper, rinse filter and carafe with hot water & then add 18g of ground Christmas coffee to the filter
  2. Pour about 60ml in circular movements and let it brew for about 30 seconds
    Now pour in the remaining 240ml slowly and constantly in circular movements.
  3. The brewing process should last between 2:30 – 3 minutes.
  4. Done! Now we can mix our coffee punch!


Coffee Punch - The Mixture

Now that we have finished our two components for our coffee punch, it's time to mix the mulled wine and filter coffee ! This is actually really easy. We take one third coffee and mix it with two thirds mulled wine. Our coffee punch mixture is ready! It's best to garnish it with an orange slice and a cinnamon stick.

Your winter coffee drink is ready and is guaranteed to enhance your New Year's Eve. The combination of the finest specialty coffee and the intensely spicy mulled wine creates a unique flavor combination that you have definitely never seen before. Our coffee punch goes particularly well with speculaas and other types of biscuits. New Year's Eve coffee or coffee punch is not just for the New Year. The coffee punch is a real long-running favorite for the entire winter and is a great change from the classic winter drinks, especially on cold winter days.

Other New Year’s Eve coffee recipes besides coffee punch

If you're not a big fan of mulled wine, there are of course plenty of alternative coffee recipes that are perfect for a sociable New Year's Eve with friends and family . Our barista Robin Matthijsse shows you all of these recipes on our YouTube channel ! The recipes are very simple and easy to make. Let's start with the Cappuccino au Cointreau or Cointreauccino - this simple mixture is a real classic among coffee recipes with alcohol.

To prepare it, simply froth 2cl of Cointreau liqueur together with the milk and pour this mixture into an espresso , we recommend our Christmas espresso.

Our second coffee recipe is again something very special. It is a coffee cocktail that our barista Robin has put together. The coffee recipe consists of a fruity espresso (we use the Christmas coffee special for this), 2 parts whiskey (bourbon), one part creme de cassis, one part vermouth infusion (oolong tea infusion), half a part sugar, one egg and a pinch of pepper.

First, shake the egg white using the dry shake method, i.e. without ice, for around 10 seconds until it reaches a foamy consistency. Then simply add all of the ingredients mentioned. It is important that the espresso is cooled before it goes into the shaker. Put some ice in your cocktail shaker and shake the mixture for around 30 seconds. Now it's time to serve! Prepare everything before you start! The glasses should be chilled and filled with ice cubes. Then pour the drink into the glass and garnish each with a pinch of pepper. The coffee recipe a la Robin is ready! Unfortunately, this cocktail does not have a real name yet ! You can write your idea in the comments in our YouTube video! Help us name this tasty cocktail.


New Year's Eve is an evening that stands for conviviality, community and a good time. With our coffee recipes you are perfectly prepared for this evening. The 3 coffee recipes are quick to prepare and create a combination on the tongue that you probably haven't discovered before. On our YouTube channel we have visually summarized the preparation for you. We also need your help! Robin's new, fruity coffee cocktail doesn't have a name yet. So feel free to write us your idea in the comments. The end of the year is an exciting time: reviewing the past and looking forward to what is to come with curiosity. We would like to thank you for the many successful moments that we were able to experience thanks to you and hope that there will be many more such experiences in the coming year. Thank you very much - enjoy the holidays and have a good and healthy new year!

Happy New Year and #staywild!