

Quality is the magic word. For 10 years, good coffee has been a matter of the heart for Krenar Goduni at ViKreGo Freiburg. In 2013 he began his training, which he completed with the highest award for baristas. In 2016 he was able to obtain Coffee Master status with Goran Huber and has already taken part in several competitions at the Coffee Institute in Innsbruck. He now also shares his years of experience as a barista in monthly barista courses. So, dear Freiburgers, if you want to try your hand at being a barista or simply learn how to make good coffee at home, you should definitely register. You can find the dates and other details here .

ViKreGo Café Oberlinden-Freiburg

He has been running ViKreGo Freiburg for 9 years now. It is located in a fantastic old town location in the heart of beautiful old buildings and the well-known Freiburg Schwabentor. ViKreGo Freiburg is intended to slow down everyday life a little. Krenar Goduni offers the finest coffee specialties and homemade delicacies, with particular emphasis on regionality. ViKreGo Freiburg is also intended to be a point of contact for artists. In the lovingly decorated guest room of ViKreGo Freiburg, works by different artists are exhibited. The smell of coffee and sweet treats round off the overall package.


ViKreGo Freiburg Café-Restaurant Jesuitenschloss-Merzhausen

In 2021, the ViKreGo Café-Restaurant was added. It is located directly on the Schlossberg at the Freiburg Jesuit Castle and thus offers a gigantic view of the city of Freiburg. In contrast to the ViKreGo Freiburg, the Jesuit Castle is not just a café, but offers not only coffee specialties but also seasonally adapted dishes and fine wines, as well as other selected drinks. The spacious sun terrace invites you to linger and the modern interior also exudes a certain coziness. Anyone expecting a standard excursion restaurant here is mistaken. The ViKreGo Freiburg at the Jesuit Castle offers contemporary cuisine of top quality. The quote from Krenar Goduni is fitting: "I have high standards and have to be really convinced of a product myself. And I want that for my guests too."

ViKreGo Freiburg - Krenar Goduni - Experience coffee differently

In the following interview, Krenar Goduni from ViKreGo Freiburg gives you an insight into his everyday life and the background story of his two places of work. Elias Fischbacher from the Wildkaffee Rösterei wishes you a lot of fun reading!


Fischi: Hello Krenar, first of all thank you for taking the time for us. Introduce yourself briefly. What is the story behind you and your Café ViKreGo Freiburg?


Krenar Goduni: Hello everyone, thank you for the invitation. My name is Krenar Goduni and I am the owner of ViKreGo Freiburg Café Oberlinden and Jesuitenschloss. On September 13, 2013, I fulfilled my dream of owning my own café. I started with Italian roasts, which are rather dark. But what did I know about coffee as a product at that point? Not much, just the basics. Because I wanted to know where I stood with my knowledge, I made the trip to Innsbruck to the Goran Huber Coffee Institute . That was exactly what I was looking for. Someone who loves and lives coffee as a product. Who would have thought at the beginning that in 2016, as one of the best graduates, I would be holding the Barista Coffee Master in my hands, together with Christian Ullrich .


Fischi: How do you like to start your day?


Krenar Goduni: I like to start my day with a freshly brewed filter coffee aroma pot made from freshly ground coffee beans or the Chemex .


Fischi: Which countries of origin do your favorite coffees come from?


Krenar Goduni: Ethiopia , El Salvador, Costa Rica and Colombia


Fischi: How did you come up with the Wildkaffee Rösterei?


Krenar Goduni: Goran Huber used the coffee from the Wildkaffee Rösterei during my barista training. I was very impressed by the quality and the taste. After several conversations and the interesting story, I decided to offer Wildkaffee.


Fischi: What coffee equipment do you use at home?


Krenar Goduni: At home, I particularly like to make filter coffee. For this, I use the Fellow coffee grinder , the Chemex and the filter coffee equipment from Hario .


Fischi: Where did you grow up and how did you get into coffee?


Krenar Goduni: I was born and raised in Albania. As a child, I always made coffee for my mother. The fine aroma of coffee fascinated me back then and never left me.


Fischi: Let's go back to the opening of ViKreGo Freiburg. How did the opening come about and were there any hurdles?


Krenar Goduni: The guests were all satisfied. However, I didn't feel completely comfortable. I just couldn't embody what I wanted to do. The barista seminars and the whole process of building up the business weren't easy for me. My wife and children supported me during this time. Without them, I wouldn't have gotten this far.


Fischi: Which coffees or roasts do you use?


Krenar Goduni: Dark espresso roasts, but of course also medium and light roasts. Something to suit every taste.


Fischi: What other drinks can you discover at ViKreGo Freiburg?


Krenar Goduni: Cold Brew, Espresso Tonic, Milk Drinks, Tea, Drinking Chocolate


Fischi: What do people from Freiburg like to drink most at ViKreGo?


Krenar Goduni: Preferably a classic cappuccino. But you are keen to experiment. Espresso tonic and cold brew are also often ordered.


Fischi: What is the idea behind ViKreGo Freiburg?


Krenar Goduni: I clearly want to offer quality coffee that comes directly from the coffee farmers. I want to get the most out of the beans through perfect preparation. My motto is: experience coffee differently!


Fischi: Do you have any favorite places in Freiburg? What does the city mean to you?


Krenar Goduni: Freiburg has simply become my home town. My favorite places are Münsterplatz, Schlossberg and the Dreisamtal.


Fischi: The Kolben Kaffee Academy is also in Freiburg. You also have a role there that involves coffee. What are your responsibilities there? We will be introducing Kolben Kaffee in detail soon. You can find the blog article here .


Krenar Goduni: At Kolben Kaffee I have an advisory role when it comes to coffee quality. I also put you in touch with the roaster. We also share a love of coffee and when time allows, we cup, taste and philosophize together.


Fischi: What are you most happy about?


Krenar Goduni: I love spending a day off with my family. Otherwise, I love discovering new coffees and especially tasting them.


Fischi: What gets on your nerves personally?


Krenar Goduni: When cocoa powder is sprinkled over a cappuccino or when it is drunk with sugar (laughs). Also, I don't like disrespect towards the product coffee.


Fischi: What do you enjoy most about your job?


Krenar Goduni: I love standing at the Mod Bar and making coffee. I like to chat with my guests. I also really enjoy latte art and making filter coffee.


Fischi: Do you have a motto in life?


Krenar Goduni: Yes, it is "Always get up one more time than you fall down". Through the experiences I have had over the years, this motto has always helped me to stay strong.


Fischi: Let's finish. Krenar, what projects do you have planned for the future?


Krenar Goduni: I'm planning a barista school in Freiburg with some partners. But we're still in the early stages, so there are no further details yet.


Fischi: That sounds very interesting. We wish you all the best for your wishes and plans. Thank you for taking the time to talk to us.

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Kolben Kaffee Freiburg - #GASTRONOMYKUNDEN

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