
Coffee sample package - find your favorite coffee!

Do you already know our coffee sample packages ? To match our new bags and the new sizes , we have also revised our coffee sample packages a little. If you want to try our range or like to vary the varieties at home, you should definitely take a closer look at our coffee sample packages. They are graded according to roasting levels and are therefore available individually according to the method of preparation. Whether for the hand filter , fully automatic machine or the classic stovetop pot - with the coffee sample packages you are sure to find your favorite coffee from the Wildkaffee Rösterei . In this blog article we present all the packages to you in detail. Elias Fischbacher from the Wildkaffee Rösterei wishes you lots of fun discovering. Let's go!

Coffee-tasting package-wild coffee-roastery-espresso

Coffee tasting package - Dark roasts of wild coffee

Do you prepare your coffee in a stovetop pot, a portafilter or a fully automatic machine? Then the Dark Roast Coffee Sampler Pack is the right choice for you.

There are two packages for this roast level:

Package 1, which contains our two espresso classics, the Wilderer Espresso and the House Espresso , and package 2 with the Bergsonne and the Wildsau . Both packages have been designed to combine a stronger espresso with a milder one.

In package 1, the strong one is our poacher and the mild one is our house espresso.

In package 2, it is our mountain sun that provides strong espresso enjoyment. It is complemented by our wild boar. It is the mildest of our espresso varieties.

Both package 1 and package 2 contain 2 varieties each in the size 350 grams.


Coffee tasting package - medium roasts of wild coffee

Our medium roasts from the Wild Coffee Roastery are often referred to as all-rounders. They are suitable for all types of preparation. Whether as a fruity espresso from the portafilter, or as a slightly stronger filter coffee from the Chemex or the hand filter. The medium roasts cut a fine figure in every type of preparation. Here, too, we have put together 2 coffee sample packages for you.

Coffee sample pack 1 gives you the full South American experience with our Guatemala Santa Isabel and the Colombia Nariño . The Guatemala has a slightly more bitter taste than the Colombia, which is a little milder with sweet, creamy notes.

Coffee sample pack 2 combines our Brasil Capim Branco with the Ethiopia Guji . The Brazilian offers a slightly stronger coffee experience when prepared as a filter coffee and is definitely not for the faint-hearted. The Ethiopia Guji, on the other hand, is a little milder and its floral, fruity notes create an end result that creates an interesting taste of black tea and stone fruit.

Both packages contain 2 varieties of 350 grams each.


Coffee tasting package - Light roasts of wild coffee

Attention filter coffee lovers! Our coffee sample package - light roast is your choice when it comes to preparation with the hand filter or Chemex . The package contains three different varieties:

Our Panama Microlot - No. 39 , the Ethiopia Natural and the Kenya Riakahara . The 3 different coffees bring very exciting, different flavors.

The Panama Microlot has a delicate, nutty taste accompanied by notes of dried grapes.

The Ethiopia Natural also impresses with its sweet, soft notes. The taste of blueberries makes the naturally processed coffee very special and should be tried by every coffee fan.

Our Kenyan coffee is a little stronger. After harvesting, it is washed and processed in the Riakahara factory that gives it its name, and then dried on "African Beds" for 8-14 days. The result is a coffee with a rather sweet taste and great notes of blackcurrants.

This coffee sample package is available in "only" one variant, but offers you 3 different coffees in the well-known 250 gram bag.


Coffee tasting package: Tasting Box - Filter Coffee

Our Tasting Box is definitely a little special for filter coffee fans. It offers you 4 different varieties of 100 grams each and is therefore ideal for your own cupping at home! As you can already see in our shop, the Tasting Box is unfortunately not available at the moment. But we can reassure you! It will be back soon; with new exciting varieties. Just check it out in the online shop !