So, here it is, the time of year when gyms fill up, bad habits are thrown overboard and people try to live a little healthier and more consciously.
The turn of the year, the new year 2025!
Many people start the new year with good resolutions - often about exercise, health, letting go of the bad and embracing the good - and some stick to them for a few months, others don't. Personally, I (the author of the blog) never have good resolutions for the new year, because if I want to get rid of a bad habit, I don't wait until January 1st. (Not that I'm particularly good at getting rid of bad habits). Well, no matter how good someone is at it, we want to help you: And what always helps is coffee!
New Year's resolutions and coffee – sport
As already mentioned, most people resolve to exercise more in the new year. Sometimes to the chagrin of year-round gym goers, gyms are overcrowded in January and February in particular and many new contracts are signed. Good for the gyms, of course. But how can coffee help with exercise? Well, very simple, for example as part of a pre-workout. Cold Brew, for example, has more caffeine per serving than most pore workout preparations on the market. Just as an example, a bottle of Cold Brew Brasil from 25GRAMS has 1,222 mg of caffeine per liter, which is 244 mg for a 200 ml bottle (serving). ESN Crank Pre-Workout has just 400 mg of caffeine per liter. You take half as much per serving, i.e. 200 mg of caffeine.
New Year’s resolutions and coffee – how does coffee help with exercise?
Coffee has an invigorating and fat-releasing effect on the body. This protects the sugar stores in the muscles. This ensures that you feel more energetic before exercise and that you don't lose this energy during exercise. It would be ideal to drink coffee around 30 minutes before exercise, as this is when it can have the best effect. However, this does not apply to everyone, as every body reacts differently - just experiment a little and you will find the right solution for you! You can find out which coffees are suitable for this and more details about coffee and exercise in this detailed blog article.
New Year's resolutions and coffee – losing weight

Losing weight is also right up there when we talk about New Year's resolutions. Especially if you gained a few grams (or pounds) over Christmas from all the cookies and other treats. And it's winter, so you better be wrapped up. Coffee can also help you lose weight. We'll explain how.
New Year’s resolutions and coffee – how coffee helps you lose weight
The bad news: you won't lose weight just by drinking coffee. This includes a healthy diet and enough exercise. The good news: coffee can help! Especially if you change your diet and maybe eat less, you may experience food cravings. These attacks are not conducive to your planned weight loss. This is where coffee comes in. A cup of filter coffee or espresso will help you curb your appetite. Caffeine can satisfy hunger for several hours. In this blog we explain this in more detail!
New Year's resolutions and coffee – caffeine withdrawal
So we advise against it. 😊
New Year’s resolutions and coffee – how much is too much caffeine?
All joking aside, if you feel like you're drinking too much coffee, then a good resolution could be to consume less coffee. But first, let's define what TOO MUCH means. According to health experts, consuming 400 mg of caffeine per day is not a problem. The maximum (recommended by experts) should be 500 to 600 mg per day. The lethal dose of caffeine is (depending on your body) 5,000 to 10,000 mg per day. And you should also know: a cup of filter coffee has between about 90 mg of caffeine, an espresso about 33 mg. In short: 4 to 5 cups of filter coffee or 12 espressos a day are no problem!
New Year’s resolutions and coffee – effects of caffeine withdrawal
One thing is clear: caffeine is a psychotropic substance. This means that the human psyche is influenced by caffeine and this can raise or lower a person's mood. So if you drink too much caffeine, a break or a reduction in consumption would be good. This is what you can expect from caffeine withdrawal: headaches, tiredness, mood swings and concentration problems. After a good 9 days, however, you will have made it and survived the cold turkey. You can read more about caffeine withdrawal here.
New Year’s resolutions and coffee – what will my 2025 be like?

By the way, you can also use coffee to find out what your 2025 could be like. By reading the coffee grounds. Or by having a professional read the coffee grounds for you - not everyone can do that.
New Year’s resolutions and coffee – reading coffee grounds
The tradition or culture of picking coffee grounds originated in the 18th century in the Ottoman Empire, in what is now Turkey. Turkish mocha is finely ground and boiled directly in water, which means that some coffee grounds end up in each cup and are not drunk.
Here's how to read coffee grounds: place the saucer on the edge of the cup and then turn the saucer a few times. Now place the cup upside down on the saucer and wait until the bottom of the cup cools down. The coffee grounds settle on the saucer and shapes or symbols appear there that can be interpreted as future signals. But it's best to seek out a professional for this.
Good intentions and coffee – the cultivation begins
For anyone with a green thumb: you can sow seeds as early as January. On the windowsill, for example, you can sow artichokes, eggplant, broccoli, chili, kohlrabi and much more. You can also start growing in the greenhouse. Coffee grounds can later be an excellent fertilizer for your plants (when they are no longer seedlings): they contain valuable nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are good for leaf and fruit growth.
Good intentions and coffee – also good against pests
You can also use coffee grounds to protect your upcoming harvest (later in the year) from predators. Snails, for example, don't like caffeine. So if you scatter the coffee grounds on your bed, you can keep snails away and at the same time add valuable nutrients to the soil when you water it.
New Year's resolutions and coffee – conclusion
That's how it is with New Year's resolutions. Coffee helps with almost everything, especially if you don't overdo it. Our resolutions are to continue roasting great coffee for you, to enjoy coffee more consciously and mindfully, and to drink water every now and then. We wish everyone a happy New Year after 2025 and then of course 365 great days with lots of good coffee!