Brewers Cup Serie

Collection: Brewers Cup Series

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About the coffees

  • Geisha-Kaffee-die-wichtigstem-Fakten-zur-Kaffeespezialitaet-Wildkaffee-Roesterei-Bluete-Rohkaffee

    Colombia Gesha

    This Gesha thrives in the hills of Cundinamarca on the Finca La Palma y el Tucan . The processing method is called "bioinnovation natural" and is a mixture of anaerobic fermentation and natural drying. The ripe cherries are packed in clay pots together with homemade compost. In order to control the temperature inside and keep it constant, the clay pots are buried. After at least 100 hours of fermentation, the cherries are placed on African Beds, where they are then dried naturally. This method highlights the taste characteristics of the Gesha cherries, but does not overpower them with newly created aromas.

    The coffee impresses with notes of pink grapefruit, hibiscus and black tea

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  • Bohnenvergleich-Wildkaffee-Roesterei-Kirschen

    Colombia Tres Dragones

    Café Granja La Esperanza produces ultra specialty coffees on the Potosi farm at an altitude of 1,400 to 1,860 meters. The farm consists of 22 hectares of jungle and 52 hectares are reserved for coffee cultivation. The name "Tres dragones", the three dragons, comes from the three ovens on the farm used to dry the coffee. In 2018, the farmhouse caught fire due to sparks from the ovens, but luckily no one was injured.

    The coffee is of the Colombia variety and is fermented for 19 to 22 hours after harvest before being pulped. It then ferments for another 35 hours. The beans are then placed in a silo where they dry for 48 hours before the coffee is finally taken to the solar dryers where it rests for around 15 days.

    The coffee comes with notes of blueberries, caramel, cherry, chocolate and tropical fruits.

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  • Kaffeeblüten Kirschen Kolumbien Geisha Wildkaffee

    Colombia Sweet Valley

    This coffee also grows on Rigoberto Herrera's Potosi farm, Café Granja La Esperanza . It is an exclusive selection of beans from the Potosi farm and its immediate neighboring farms.

    The cherries are fermented at a controlled temperature for 15 hours before being placed in a dehumidifier for a further 72 hours until they are completely dry. They are then peeled and packaged for export.

    The varieties are Castillo, Colombia and Caturra. They bring nuances of strawberries, port wine, violets and berries to your cup as well as notes of mango, watermelon and blueberry.

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  • Geisha-Kaffee-die-wichtigstem-Fakten-zur-Kaffeespezialitaet-Wildkaffee-Roesterei-La-Palma-Geisha

    La Palma Geisha

    Gemeinsam mit dir wollen wir die einzigartige Kaffeeregion Kanarische Inseln erforschen. Mit dem ersten Specialty Coffee aus Europa: La Palma Geisha.

    Der La Palma Geisha stammt von der Finca Anthea im Osten der Insel und ist der erste Microlot Coffee aus Europa. Angebaut wird er von den Farmern Rosa Pombrol und Jens Kimmel.

    Die besondere Geschmacksvielfalt von Pfirsich, Orangenblüten, Rosenblättern und gelben Steinfrüchten entsteht unter anderem durch die anaerobe Mazeration und die Beigabe von durch Vulkangestein gefiltertem Wasser aus dem Taburiente-Kessel. Der Kaffee eignet sich vor allem für Handfilter und helle Espressi.

    La Palma Geisha ist dabei der erste Geisha aus Europa.


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