Wilderer Espresso

Strong - tart - nutty

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€31,14  per  kg
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  • About the coffee

    Probably the strongest blend in our range - the Wilderer Espresso! Selected coffee beans from Brazil, Colombia and India provide the intense taste of the Wilderer. With a Robusta content of 20% and a dark roast, it is more for the wild and brave among coffee drinkers.

    Intense, bitter notes are accompanied by a full-bodied, chocolatey taste. Our poacher is ideal for preparation using a portafilter, stovetop kettle and fully automatic machine! This way you can discover the nutty, chocolatey variety of flavors of the poacher!

  • About the origin

    Do you fancy a particularly strong, wild coffee? Then the Wilderer is the perfect choice for you. The Wilderer Espresso is the strongest blend in our range and is therefore more for coffee lovers who prefer stronger aromas. The blend consists of three different country coffees, including 20% ​​Indian Robusta, which provides the full-bodied, strong notes.

    Countries of origin: Brazil, India, Colombia
    Cultivation altitude: 1,100 - 1,850 m
    Variety: 80% Arabica / 20% Robusta
    Treatment: Natural, Washed, Honey
    Variety: Yellow Catuai, Caturra, Castillo, Peredenya, SLN274
    Roast: Dark

  • Interesting facts about the proportion of Robusta beans

    In the coffee world, there is still a myth that Robusta beans are of lower quality than Arabica beans. However, this is clearly a misconception. Robusta grows at around 900-1,100m and is known for its earthy taste, which is a little stronger. It also contains a little less coffee oil. This means that the characteristic crema forms when making espresso and at the same time remains stable. This is why Robusta is often used in espresso blends. In terms of taste, the Robusta bean brings a certain intensity to the cup profile, which is particularly popular with fans of strong coffee.


How to prepare the Wilderer in a portafilter!

You need 19 g of very finely ground coffee and your portafilter equipment

1. Remove the portafilter and wipe it with a cloth.
2. Distribute the coffee evenly and compact it using a tamper.
3. Rinse the brewing group and insert the portafilter.
4. Now start the brewing process, which should last between 25 - 30 seconds.

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How to always prepare your coffee correctly

Wildkaffee Roastery

Wilderer Espresso

Wilderer Espresso - A bundle of power, not only as an espresso

The best way to prepare your Wilderer espresso is in a portafilter, stovetop pot or fully automatic machine. It is ideal as a particularly flavorful espresso. But the Wilderer is also an excellent choice as an Americano or in milk coffee drinks. It gives the end result in your cup a full-bodied, strong taste that is paired with notes of nuts and dark chocolate. Thanks to the Robusta content, the Wilderer also contains a little more caffeine. This makes it ideal as a little pick-me-up between meals.

Wilderer Espresso - A powerhouse in a class of its own

In our coffee roastery, the selected beans for the Wilderer Espresso are carefully and traditionally refined by our roasting masters. The end product is an excellent espresso. It is the top choice for coffee lovers who prefer coffee with an intense flavor, but still don't want to miss out on the individual notes of different country coffees. In addition, the Wilderer Espresso is low in acid and therefore also suitable for more sensitive connoisseurs.

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