Nucleus Paragon Chilling Rock

Replacement Chilling Rocks

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€9,90 EUR
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€9,90 EUR
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You already have the world's first - the Nucleus Paragon , but would like more Chilling Rocks so that you can prepare more cups of delicious specialty coffee even faster? Then buy more replacement rocks so that you can keep discovering the 40% more flavor combination in your cup profile with the Extract Chilling technology .

Manufacturer: Nuceleus Coffee Tools
Nucleus Paragon Chilling Rock

  • Brewing with the Paragon

    The Nucleus Paragon essentially consists of an aluminum alloy frame on a stable rectangular base. Paragon has three levels that can be moved along the frame and fixed as required. The three levels serve as holders for drippers, the so-called chilling rocks and, last but not least, for a drip tray for draining filter papers.

    At the top of the Nucleus Paragon, you set up your dripper with filter paper and coffee powder as usual. On the second floor - directly under the coffee flowing out - is the holder for the Chilling Rocks, which are basically metal balls with a liquid core that - when they come out of the freezer - do the magic when brewing. And underneath you can put a cup, a pot or whatever your favorite vessel for coffee is. And then you brew coffee as normal using the pour-over method.


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