
Bialetti coffee - preparation with the Bialetti

The Bialetti is not actually a preparation method in itself, but "only" the manufacturer of the very first stovetop pot. Nowadays, everyone is familiar with the Bialetti coffee preparation method and when you talk about the stovetop pot or the Moka Express, it clicks for most coffee lovers. But where does the Bialetti coffee preparation method come from and how does this unique stovetop pot work? You can find out everything about Bialetti coffee preparation in this article. Elias Fischbacher from the Wildkaffee Rösterei wishes you lots of fun discovering.

Bialetti coffee - How the first stovetop coffee pot was created

When you hear the term Bialetti, you're probably thinking of Italy. If so, you're absolutely right! The Bialetti preparation, or rather the first version of this stovetop pot called "Moka Express", was launched in 1933 by the inventor of the same name, Alfonso Bialetti . He began developing the Bialetti preparation in 1931. He took as a model a type of washing machine called "Lisciveuse" , which the women in his home village in Piedmont used to wash their laundry. Water was heated, which rose up through a pipe and then mixed with a lye rained down on the laundry.

Bialetti wanted to transfer the same principle to his handy espresso pot. Water heated on the stove rises through a sieve with ground coffee and flows through a tube into another container in which the extracted Bialetti coffee drink is collected. Bialetti developed several prototypes made of aluminum. He had become acquainted with this during a stay abroad in Paris. His goal was to bring espresso to ordinary households.

Back then, this was only available in the typical bars with a portafilter . Despite this, you cannot and could not compare Bialetti espresso with that from a portafilter. This is simply because the Bialetti preparation cannot generate as much pressure as that from a portafilter. The Bialetti works with around 1.5 bar of pressure , while the portafilter has a full 9 bar . This is precisely why Bialetti called its stovetop pot Moka Express and also referred to the end result as Moka. Today, the Bialetti is available in several versions, colors and sizes . It is also now made of stainless steel instead of aluminum. The design and basic principle of Bialetti coffee preparation, however, has remained the same to this day.

Bialetti coffee - the breakthrough!

Unfortunately, Alfonso was not very successful in marketing the Bialetti Moka Express, so it was not a huge success at first. It was not until shortly after the end of the war that Bialetti's son, through clever marketing , ensured that production was increased to around 1,000 pots per day . The success story of Bialetti coffee preparation gradually gained momentum. The economic boom in the 1950s gave Bialetti so much encouragement that an international company was created. From then on, the Bialetti found its place in numerous international kitchens and enjoyed growing popularity.


Stovetop bialetti preparation

Bialetti Espresso compared with the portafilter

I already mentioned at the beginning that Bialetti Espresso is very different from the apparently identical coffee drink made with a portafilter . However, Bialetti Espresso is admittedly not the classic espresso with the typical crema that you know from a portafilter. The pressure used in the Bialetti preparation alone is not enough to produce the crema . In addition, the extraction takes too long. Furthermore, you can't really call Bialetti Espresso an espresso. It is simply a very unique preparation method that also has its own taste that is reminiscent of espresso. It is strong and intense, but still tasty.

Advantages & disadvantages of Bialetti coffee preparation

The Bialetti preparation, or rather the Bialetti itself, is an ideal preparation method not only when traveling thanks to its compact, stylish design . The Bialetti preparation is quick and easy. These two attributes are probably the ones that best apply to the Bialetti preparation. However, if you prefer a more complex cup profile, you should definitely go for the portafilter . Just like the operation, the taste of the Bialetti is also simpler. You can clearly taste that the coffee was prepared in the Bialetti. But that's not a bad thing at all, because the Bialetti preparation can also produce tasty end results if you pay attention to the correct preparation, the grind level and a high-quality bean. You can find a suitable preparation recommendation here .


When you think of Italian coffee culture, the Bialetti preparation automatically springs to mind. Thanks to the extremely simple preparation and the compact, yet stylish design, this handy preparation method is ideal for making coffee when camping or on other trips. However, Bialetti espresso cannot be compared to classic espresso with the typical crema from the portafilter. The Bialetti simply works with too little pressure and the extraction time takes too long to form a crema . Nevertheless, the end result from the Bialetti is certainly tasty. Especially if you follow the preparation recommendations and find the right beans for your taste, then Bialetti preparation is a welcome change. Fast, easy and tasty are the attributes that apply to Bialetti preparation. If you now feel like preparing your coffee with the Bialetti, then discover our high-quality coffee roasts in our online shop , as well as the right preparation recommendation for the Bialetti. We hope you have fun trying it out.