
Home Brew - Preparation methods for home

Quite simply… because you decide the taste! Some people prefer fruity filter coffee , others prefer a strong espresso . For a particularly flavorful home brew you need the right equipment. In our online shop you will find selected accessories for coffee preparation. We will give you further details and recipes in this article! Elias Fischbacher from the Wildkaffee Rösterei wishes you lots of fun discovering.

Home Brew - important information in advance

In order to get the best flavors out of your home brew, there are a few things to consider. At the beginning we already mentioned the right equipment for each type of preparation . But there are other points that should be considered. Choosing the high-quality bean that has the right roast level for your preparation is just as important as the grinding level. In our online shop, you can always see exactly which preparation the respective coffee is intended for under "suitable for".

We also recommend always using freshly ground coffee, as ground coffee loses its flavor pretty quickly. Whole beans can retain their flavor for much longer if stored correctly. You can find more information about storing coffee beans here . Feel free to play around with the recipe a little so that you can discover your own individual taste experience. If you follow all of these points, nothing will stand in the way of your excellent home brew.

The filter coffee

A fairly simple but still tasty option is filter coffee. Light to medium roasted coffees are used for filter coffee. Our specialty coffees in particular provide unique flavors in home brew. I already mentioned earlier that you need the right equipment. In our accessories shop there are high-quality hand filters such as the Kalita Stainless Wave Dripper , the Hario V60 Dripper 02 made of ceramic or glass, the Flower Dripper from CAFEC or the Origami Dripper . There are also a few things to consider when using filter paper. In our coffee filter paper test you can learn more about the differences and the origins of filter coffee.

Once you have met all of these requirements, it's time to prepare the coffee. Take 20 g of ground coffee, e.g. Ethiopia Washed , and pour approx. 60 ml of water in a circular motion and let it brew for 30 seconds . Then pour the remaining 240 ml in a circular motion and let it brew for 2:30 - 3 minutes . Now you can enjoy your own home brew filter coffee !



The Espresso

We have selected two variants for espresso! There is preparation in a portafilter and also preparation in a stovetop kettle . Espresso from a portafilter is a variation that requires a lot of practice and, above all, patience in order to be able to achieve an individual taste experience at home. Furthermore, high- quality portafilters are not exactly cheap , which is why many people prefer to use the much cheaper stovetop kettle. The biggest difference between these two methods is the individuality, or rather the possibility of playing around with the end result . With the original version of the espresso machine, the portafilter, you can decide at what pressure, what temperature and what amount of water you want to brew your espresso.

The stovetop pot , on the other hand, is a little simpler. Although there are now versions with a pressure valve of up to 6 bar, most stovetop pots work with very low pressure . This does n't produce THE classic espresso , but it does produce a flavorful end result that differs from portafilter espresso. What both versions have in common is that they are easy to use. Of course, with the portafilter you need a little time to get the hang of it and find the right recipe. But once you've got the hang of it, you'll soon be able to prepare your own individual home brew in no time at all.


And this is how it works: For a double espresso you need 17-19g of ground coffee , e.g. the Wilderer Espresso . Put this in your portafilter and compress it, ideally with the help of a tamper . Rinse the brewing group and clamp the portafilter in place. Then start the brewing process, which should last between 25 - 30 seconds for 40ml . Done! Now you can enjoy your own home brew espresso from the portafilter!

Stovetop pot

It's even easier with the stovetop pot: Pour the water into your stovetop pot up to the valve. Tip! For a faster brewing process, use preheated water. Then put the ground coffee, e.g. our Wildsau, into the designated container and press it down lightly with your fingers. Now place the stovetop pot on the stove (medium heat) and wait until a continuous stream comes out. Then take the pot off the stovetop and place it on a wet cloth to stop the brewing process. For the best coffee enjoyment, serve and enjoy straight away!


The Chemex

The Chemex is also a great option for at home! It is another version of filter coffee , but is a little different from the classic drippers. This starts with the design and ends with the filter paper . The Chemex consists of a stylish glass body with two wooden collars attached. These ensure that you do not burn your fingers when serving. The filter paper of the Chemex is 20-30% thicker than conventional filter papers.

This means that the natural suspended particles and oils in your coffee are perfectly bound and filtered out . This ensures an excellent aromatic end result in your cup. For your perfect home brew, you should use our light or medium roasts. Why is the Chemex so suitable? It consists of just one part and is therefore very space-saving and easy to handle. The entire glass body can be easily washed in the dishwasher. Just make sure that you remove the wooden sleeves first.

This is how we like coffee from the Chemex best: Take 40 g of ground coffee , e.g. the Ruanda Umusazi, and pour 80-100 ml of water over it in circular movements and let it brew for about 30 seconds . Then add the remaining 520-500 ml of water constantly and let it brew for between 3 and 4 minutes . Done! You can serve the delicious filter coffee straight from your Chemex. Enjoy!

With the French Press

Do you want to make coffee at home as sustainably as possible? Then the French press is a great preparation method . The French press is also known as a press pot, or coffee press for short, and comes without any filter paper . This method produces an intense, strong cup profile with a full body, provided you pay attention to the right roasting and preparation. Our medium roasts are ideal for preparation in the French press. In contrast to filter coffee, the ground beans come into direct contact with the water. This means that the oils and suspended particles remain in the end result and your coffee takes on a whole new character. This method works without a filter and is prepared according to the principles of direct extraction. The stamp is made of metal and has a sieve in the middle with which the coffee grounds are pressed down. The French press is very practical: it is compact, easy to use and has a cool design. The Hario French press with olive wood in particular looks really good. But the Espro Ultralight and the Kinto Cafepress are also excellent French presses that are also suitable for on the go.

When home brewing, you should definitely make sure that you do not let the coffee steep in the water for too long , as this will cause over-extraction, which can lead to an unpleasant, bitter taste. This is how you make coffee from a French press: You need 60g of coarsely ground coffee , e.g. Guatemala Santa Isabel . First, rinse the French press with hot water and then fill it with the coffee. Pour around 100ml of water in a circular motion and let it steep for 30 seconds. Then pour in the remaining 900ml of water and stir vigorously. Now put the plunger on your pot and let the coffee steep for a further 4 minutes before pressing the plunger down evenly. Then pour the finished coffee into a container (e.g. a cup) to stop the brewing process and serve the coffee. Enjoy!


There are many different variations of home brew, which of course also open up a wide range of coffee flavors . Personal preferences regarding your preferred taste play a big role in choosing the preparation method. Filter coffee tastes fruitier, espresso stronger, and coffee from a French press very nuanced. Once you've found your way, you just need to create the conditions for preparation. You need the right equipment, the right coffee roast, and an awareness of how best to store your beans at home. Do you meet all of these criteria? Then you can now try your own personal recipe and start brewing. We hope you have fun and good luck! #staywild!