A particularly important attribute that distinguishes our Wildkaffee roastery is transparency. A transparent trade chain is particularly important to us. We want you to know exactly where your coffee comes from, how it was grown, which processing methods were used and why it tastes the way it does. You can find out how we can provide you with the transparency you want in the following lines.
Transparency – what does that actually mean? For us, transparency means that you, as the end consumer, know exactly where your coffee comes from. This includes the farmer, the exact cultivation methods, the processing after the harvest, i.e. the preparation and refinement into tasty, roasted coffee in our coffee roastery in Farchant. But it's not just the simple statement of these facts. We want to give you a detailed look behind the scenes of coffee processing. The many social media on which we are represented are a great help to us. But we also keep you up to date with the latest news from the world of coffee on our website, especially in our coffee blog . This gives you a precise insight into how the coffee in your cup is made.

Transparency - where our coffee comes from
We only source our green coffee from coffee farmers we know personally. The question of why is very simple: we can talk directly with the farmer about the quality of the harvest, the processing and the variety. We also get an overview of how the coffee was grown and whether it meets our high social and sustainable principles. We maintain a friendly relationship with our farmers. No wonder, because we have been working with most of the farmers for around 10 years. Close friendships have developed through regular visits and constant, goal-oriented exchange. These good contacts offer us a number of advantages.

Best coffee quality thanks to long-standing relationships
Because our farmers have been working with us for so long, they obviously know what they have in us. The same goes the other way around, because we benefit just as much as the farmers from the long-standing friendships. We get the best quality green coffee and the farmers get fair, direct payment, well above the market price.
We, and therefore you, get the higher price for the green coffee back with a unique quality that is particularly reflected in the cup profile. This creates a unique variety of flavors that promise fine notes and a complex coffee experience. Furthermore, the conditions on the farms play a major role in how your coffee tastes and what unique notes you can expect. A pleasant side effect: the coffee is grown sustainably and no chemical fertilizers are used at all.
Organic farming is a major issue that will continue to affect the global coffee world in the coming years. Climate change and all its consequences are already being felt in coffee growing regions: crop failures, droughts, uneven rainfall and soils with poor nutrients are just some of the problems that are already affecting us today. What does this have to do with transparency? A lot, because here at the Wildkaffee Roastery we show you how farmers are counteracting this problem and what solutions are gradually being provided.

More transparency through coffee projects
But transparency on “external” coffee farms is not the only thing that is particularly important to us. Some time ago we also launched our own coffee projects, which, among other things, are intended to provide you with detailed transparency from the farm to the bag. With the coffee projects, we also want to tackle things in the countries of origin ourselves and make lasting changes. To this end, we support several coffee projects, using which we explain to you precisely and transparently how your coffee is made, how it is prepared after the harvest and then processed in our Wildkaffee roastery. The lead project here is our own coffee project, the Coffee School Project in El Salvador, where we train the coffee farmers ourselves on all of these topics. This project increases transparency even further. Because we can provide you with all the information about the selected coffees first-hand.
How is transparency created?
A transparent value chain in the coffee sector begins on the farm: which finca does the green coffee come from, which variety do the beans come from, at what altitude was it grown and which farmer looked after the coffee plants. It continues with processing: at which station were the cherries processed and which processing method was used? Then it's time for export: is this managed directly by the farmer or is a cooperative taking care of it? If there is an answer to all of these points and you can also discover other facts about the coffee, then we are talking about real transparency. Coupled with the background knowledge about coffee that we have acquired over the years, we can always tell you exactly how your coffee was grown and processed. We are constantly working to expand this vision of transparency. Do you want to find out more about the origin of our coffee? Then feel free to click into our coffee blog.
Building sustainable transparency
It is important to us that we sustainably expand the issues surrounding the transparency of our products. As already mentioned, the coffee projects and the resulting project coffees are an extraordinary help to us. The projects have the advantage that we know exactly what work and facts are behind the coffees. The even bigger advantage: We address problems in the project regions and improve them sustainably. Furthermore, regular trips directly to the farms in the countries of origin are just as much help. There we can inspect the new harvests as well as innovative working methods and trends. This way we always stay up to date. Of course, we share all the information we have collected with you on social media and here on our website. We look forward to sharing numerous coffee experiences with you.