Unique and special wines

Wein Danke


Quality is always our top priority. We also attach great importance to the cultivation methods used by our wineries; organic or, even better, biodynamic viticulture is almost considered a "must". If this also results in natural wines or spontaneously fermented wines, all the better.

Furthermore, a personal relationship with our winemakers and wineries is very important to us. Through ongoing on-site visits, we learn more and more about our winemakers' vineyards. We believe that anyone who has helped with the grape harvest appreciates the resulting wine much more. Where possible, we collect all of our wines personally from the winemakers.


Our wines - from the winemaker to your wine glass, without detours!

In our online shop you have the option of having organic or natural wines delivered to your home. And if you prefer something more personal, you are welcome to visit Café Wildkaffee in the Sparkasse, Bahnhofstraße 40+42 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Monday to Friday. Over a pleasant chat or a glass of our wines, we are sure to find the right thing for you.


Wine tastings: We introduce you to the great world of wine taste

We regularly offer wine tastings for interested wine lovers and those who want to become one. If time allows, one of our winemakers is always there to present his own wines. If it is harvest time and our winemakers do not have time, our sommelier conducts the tastings with wines from various wineries. Our wine tastings are also a nice idea as a gift or for a nice evening with colleagues or friends. For our tastings we use glasses from the Swiss quality brand Gabriel Glas, which we highly recommend.

Orange wine

Orange wine is a type of white wine that is fermented in the mash. The wine can also be made in a mixed batch and tastes particularly good with meat, home cooking or cheese. The production method is similar to that of red wine - the end result is a rich, orange color. To make orange wine, the white grapes are fermented with their skins. This releases pigments and tannins, which creates an orange color. Orange wine is the fourth color of wine alongside rosé, red and white wine and is a little polarizing.


For your very special wine taste - away from classic wines

We, Wein Danke, would like to offer a platform of our own to exceptional wines outside the mainstream. We are particularly enthusiastic about the two topics surrounding 'Natural Wines' and 'Orange Wines'.

Through coincidences, visits to trade fairs, wineries and wineries, our sommelier and buyer Martin has gotten to know and appreciate more and more winemakers over time.