Bergsonne Espresso

Full-bodied - Chocolate - Brittle

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€34,00  per  kg
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  • About the coffee

    Our Bergsonne from the Wildkaffee roastery is a real classic from our range. The finest coffee beans from Brazil and Colombia ensure an excellent cup profile. In the mouth, strong, spicy aromas develop paired with notes of brittle and chocolate. We are delighted to share this taste experience with you.

  • About the origin

    Our Bergsonne is a blend of two different coffees from different countries. The green coffee comes from Brazil and Colombia.

    Its strong, chocolatey taste makes the Bergsonne an ideal espresso for all milky coffee drinks. It also has fine crunchy notes that harmonize perfectly with the chocolate accents.

    Country of origin: Brazil, Colombia
    Cultivation altitude: 1,100 - 1,850 m
    Type: 100% Arabica
    Processing: Natural & Washed
    Variety: Caturra, Castillo, Yellow Catuai
    Roast: Dark

  • Perfect growing conditions

    The blend for our Bergsonne Espresso consists of three different varieties from two countries of origin - Colombia and Brazil. The Yellow Catuai variety comes from Brazil, from the Finca Capim Branco of the Andrade farming family. The nutty, creamy taste is characteristic of this coffee.

    The variety is cultivated at around 1,150 m in the Cerrado Mineiro region. The two varieties Caturra and Castillo are typically grown in Colombia. The selected green coffee comes from a cooperative in the Nariño region. Surrounded by high peaks, the climatic conditions here are ideal for growing coffee.


Prepare the Bergsonne in the portafilter - here's how!

You need 19 g of very finely ground coffee and your portafilter equipment

1. Remove the portafilter and wipe it with a cloth.

2. Distribute the coffee evenly and compact it using a tamper.

3. Rinse the brewing group and insert the portafilter.

4. Now start the brewing process, which should last between 25 - 30 seconds.

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Wildkaffee Roastery

Bergsonne Espresso

Bergsonne Espresso - Sustainably grown, directly imported

Sustainability plays a major role at both fincas. The coffee trees are cultivated strictly according to the principles of organic farming. This means that more attention is paid to ensuring that by-products from coffee cultivation and processing are reused. For example, microorganisms are produced from the pulp and the fincas' own compost, which are then processed into biological pesticides and fertilizers. This not only protects the environment, but also promotes the richness of the soil, which is ultimately rewarded with the best quality coffee.

After harvesting and processing, the beans are imported directly into our coffee roastery without any middlemen. This means that no middlemen make any money and we can guarantee fair, direct payment. During our regular visits to the fincas, we are also able to learn exciting new things about coffee cultivation and see for ourselves the quality and the prevailing conditions.

Bergsonne Espresso - Simply a classic

For years, the Bergsonne has been ordered by coffee fans from all over the world. No wonder! It is a real classic among our espressos. In our coffee roastery, the selected green coffee beans are processed carefully and by hand by our roasting masters. The end result is a typically chocolatey espresso, which, thanks to its strong taste paired with spicy nuances that tend towards brittle, is ideal for cappuccino and classic espresso enjoyment. It is best prepared using a portafilter, fully automatic machine or in the moka pot. This is the best way to discover the wide variety of flavors of the Bergsonne. We look forward to sharing this taste experience with you.

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