El Salvador - Coffee School Project

Full-bodied - Chocolate - Nougat

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€34,00  per  kg
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Espresso El Salvador Coffee School Project Wildkaffee Rösterei

  • About the coffee

    Together with you, we want to restore the former specialty coffee stronghold of El Salvador to its former greatness! We present to you our new El Salvador project coffee.

    The El Salvador project coffee from the Buenos Aires School is the first coffee from our own coffee project in El Salvador, more precisely in the Buenos Aires region. The Buenos Aires region is known for its outstanding coffee quality. However, poor trading conditions have brought coffee trade and cultivation to a standstill in recent years, even though the region has perfect conditions for growing specialty coffee. We are addressing these grievances with the Buenos Aires Coffee School and want to improve them sustainably.

    With the unique Coffee School Project, we want to promote the structures through targeted training so that all local farmers benefit equally. The cultivation of specialty coffee should once again be seen as an approach to new life opportunities.

    By purchasing this bag of coffee, you are supporting the Coffee School Project. We are opening up new perspectives for farmers and helping them to cultivate their coffee plants in a new and more profitable way.

  • About the origin

    Together with farmer Rodolfo Ruffatti, we want to restore the former specialty coffee stronghold of El Salvador to its former greatness. The Buenos Aires region has ideal conditions for growing specialty coffee. Nevertheless, the coffee business has come to a massive standstill in recent years.

    Country of origin: El Salvador
    Growing area: Buenos Aires
    Cultivation altitude: 1,200 - 1,600 m
    Farm: Community of farmers of the Coffee School Project
    Type: 100% Arabica
    Condition: Washed
    Roast: Dark

  • Coffee School Project - More than good coffee

    We want to create a close connection between the coffee farmers and the coffee roasters who refine the high-quality green coffee. This will create transparency in our value chain, which will form the basis for long-term and sustainable growth. Our coffee farm is the central location of our Coffee School Project. The central object will be a coffee farm that we have bought and which is now being built. This coffee farm will be used to train local coffee farmers and offer seminars for coffee roasters from all over the world. We want to create a coffee community in the Buenos Aires region from which the people of the region can benefit sustainably and in the long term.


Prepare the El Salvador Coffee School Project in the portafilter!

You need about 19 g of very finely ground coffee and your portafilter equipment

1. Unclamp the portafilter and wipe it with a cloth

2. Distribute the coffee evenly and compact it using a tamper

3. Rinse the brewing group and insert the portafilter

4. Now start the brewing process, which should last between 25 - 30 seconds.

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Wildkaffee Roastery

El Salvador - Coffee School Project

Negative influences on coffee cultivation

Dubious coffee traders, leaf rust and the high crime rate were the reasons why the last small coffee farmers in El Salvador turned away from coffee cultivation. This resulted in numerous abandoned coffee plantations, although the country has excellent conditions for the high-quality cultivation of specialty coffee.

The solution: the Coffee School Project!

With targeted training, for example on new techniques, the optimization of cultivation, harvesting and processing, all farmers should benefit equally. We want to create a community that produces sustainable specialty coffee and supports each other. Together with the farmers, we have already been able to reactivate two hectares of the former plantations and cultivate new coffee plants there. In our online shop you will always find specialty coffees from our farm.

By purchasing each bag you support the revival of Salvadoran coffee culture.

Our philosophy