Do you know the most popular drink that is drunk every day in German offices? Any idea? That's right! It's our favorite drink, coffee! We all love our office coffee , but often we lack the know-how to choose the right coffee for the office! To enjoy particularly flavorful, delicious coffee in the office, you only need to consider a few things. We will explain all of these aspects of office coffee to you in this blog article. Which coffee is suitable for the office? Which coffee goes with which machine or method of preparation? We'll enlighten you and bring unique coffee enjoyment to your office! Elias Fischbacher from the Wildkaffee Rösterei wishes you lots of fun discovering.

Coffee Office - Generally?
Coffee is as much a part of every office as the keyboard is in front of the computer screen! Every office has its own system when it comes to coffee for the office. Whether it's buying the beans or preparing them.
However, small disagreements often arise due to a variety of sensitivities. Some people rely on fairly traded coffee , while others just grab something from the supermarket shelf. In the end, there are actually "only" two basic factors that you can optimize to make your office coffee taste great. With our short tips and tricks, you're guaranteed to avoid small arguments about your office coffee!
Coffee Office - Care is half the battle
Almost every office has a coffee machine these days. These are usually old filter machines or fully automatic machines. If they are not properly maintained, the coffee from these machines often doesn't taste as good. If your office already has a coffee machine, the first thing you should check is whether it needs a thorough cleaning. So-called biofilms tend to build up in electronic coffee makers. This film is a thin layer of slime made up of small fungi, algae or bacteria . This is why you should be particularly careful with coffee in the office! These substances are tasteless and can lead to health problems over time. It is therefore advisable that the coffee machine for your office coffee is cleaned regularly, ideally daily .
Which machines are suitable?
There are actually offices without a coffee machine or coffee maker... :D. If your office is one of them, then we have a few recommendations for you. The number of employees who want to enjoy excellent coffee plays a role in the right preparation method.
A small office with just a few employees can certainly manage with a hand grinder and preparation with a hand filter or a French press. If you have a lot of employees, an "automated" preparation method is certainly not a bad choice. Preparation is quick and easy and the end result is very good if you set it up correctly. Modern filter machines and fully automatic machines in particular are now capable of brewing an excellent cup of coffee. Watch out! As already mentioned, these coffee machines should always be looked after and cared for so that your coffee always tastes excellent and does not contain any germs or the like.

Which coffee is best for the office?
When choosing the right coffee, the question is which preparation method you use. Our medium roasts from the Wildkaffee Rösterei not only taste excellent, but are also suitable for every preparation method. Whether you use a filter machine or a fully automatic machine, our all-rounders make your office coffee a real taste experience. Our chocolaty and nutty classics such as the Brasil Capim Branco , Colombia or the Guatemala Santa Isabel make an excellent impression both as filter coffee and café crème.
By filter machine
Do you have a filter machine in your office? Of course, we have a select roast that is perfect for preparation in a filter machine. It is our Wild Mild . The finest coffee beans from Brazil, Guatemala and Rwanda ensure an incredibly delicious cup profile.
A fine, sweet variety of flavors with notes of berries and nuts awaits you in the filter machine. This coffee is guaranteed to put you in a good mood in the office. In general, however, all light and medium roasts are suitable for preparation in the filter machine.
By fully automatic machine
In the fully automatic machine you can choose between dark roasted espresso beans and our medium roasts . Our espressos in particular provide delicious notes in your cup profile. Our classics Wilderer , Hausepresso or Bergsonne ensure the typical chocolate taste in your cup.
Our Wildsau and medium roasts shine with their wonderful fruity accents. But which coffee you ultimately choose for the office depends entirely on the sensitivities of your colleagues. It's definitely worth trying out.
Office coffee - quality first
We all know it... A lot of coffee is drunk in the office. Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention to the quality of the office coffee, especially when such large quantities are consumed . Coffee is not only a pick-me-up, but also a luxury item. This is precisely why we recommend our high-quality coffee range. Of course, we also offer your office its own price list .
You can find out how to order your coffee for the office as quickly as possible here . High-quality coffee is not only good for you! Thanks to direct trade and sustainable processing, both on the farm and in our roastery, you are not only supporting the living conditions in the countries of origin thanks to fair pay , but also the unique natural landscape around the coffee plantations. In order to make your coffee for the office as sustainable as possible, we are constantly optimizing our work processes. We also support numerous social projects that extend beyond the coffee sector.

When it comes to coffee, most offices have their own rules. But small differences of opinion do arise. How can you get around these? It's easy: become a Wildkaffee office customer! Most offices are equipped with an automated preparation method, such as a filter machine or a fully automatic machine .
For the filter machine we recommend our medium & light roasts . Special recommendation: Wild Mild ! You can prepare both medium and dark roasts in the fully automatic machine. Special office coffee recommendation: Bergsonne Espresso ! But it's best to try them all out to discover a common favorite variety for your office coffee. We are of course always available for recommendations or questions. #staywild