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Collection: Light roasts

Special coffees with unique cup profiles
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Our light roasts

Looking for a real coffee experience? Then our light roasts are just right for you! These special coffees produce flavors that you probably haven't experienced before. Light roasts are particularly characterized by fruity and floral accents.

These crazy flavors are already targeted after the harvest, during the processing. But of course the roasting is also responsible for such aromas making their way into the cup profile. You will find out exactly how this works in the following sections.

Unsere Qualitätsstandards

How are light coffee roasts prepared?

Our light roasts are designed for filter coffee methods, i.e. the light roasting method, right from the processing. The focus is primarily on methods that are intended to bring fruity accents to the cup profile. In recent years, a wide variety of preparation methods that work with fermentation using microorganisms have become particularly popular.

But let's start from the beginning. What is processing anyway? It is the first step that takes place after the harvest. Processing is the event in which the pulp and the parchment skin are separated from the kernel, i.e. the actual coffee bean. The beans are often fermented together with the former components of the fruit, which can lead to an intense florality in the beans.

How are light roasts roasted?

The step that is most important for us as a coffee roaster is, logically, roasting. When it comes to light roasting, the temperature and duration of the roasting are particularly important. The aim is to preserve the complex acids of the coffee in the cup profile. This can only be achieved with a slightly lower roasting temperature, which is around 195 degrees Celsius. The roasting duration is also crucial.

To bring out the coffee's taste to its fullest, the roasting process takes around 20 minutes. This means the beans are processed gently and excellently so that the individual notes and flavors can develop perfectly. The end result contains the desired coffee acid, which creates the pleasantly fruity-sweet taste. Once you're used to this taste, you won't want to enjoy any other coffee.

How should light roasts be prepared?

To best discover the unique variety of flavors of our light roasts, you should choose the right preparation method. Light roasts contain more acid, which is why fruity notes dominate. These come into their own perfectly with the common filter methods.

During preparation, the suspended particles and oils in the coffee are perfectly bound and filtered out, which means that the coffee taste is clear, nuanced and without bitterness. This is the best way to discover the individual notes of the country's coffees using a manual filter or Chemex preparation. If you prefer something a little crazier, the AeroPress is also an interesting preparation method for light roasts.

The AeroPress uses both light pressure and a small paper filter. This produces sweet notes that are almost reminiscent of syrup. But the light roasts are not just suitable for filter methods. The beans can also be prepared using a portafilter. You can then expect a fruity espresso, but it is not for everyone. It is more for coffee fans who like to experiment and try something different.

This is how our light coffee roasts taste best - our tips & tricks!

To enjoy the delicious taste of your light roasts for as long as possible, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Let's start with the right grind size.

You should always choose the grinding level according to your chosen preparation method. While the coffee should be ground medium-coarse for filter preparation, it is ground a little finer for the AeroPress. With the right grinding level, you guarantee an optimal contact time between the coffee and water, so that the perfect extraction is achieved. If this contact time is not perfectly adjusted, too many aromas are released from the bean and over-extraction occurs.

You should also always be careful when storing your light roasts. Your coffee should not come into contact with light, oxygen or strong smells. With the first two factors, you risk your coffee flavor to evaporate and losing its unique taste. Other smells can also affect the taste of the coffee and change it for the worse. Therefore, always store your coffee in a dark place, preferably in a vacuum container and away from foreign smells.

Do you have any further questions about our light roasts? Then you can always contact us at info@wild-kaffee.de or contact us via Instagram and Facebook. We will get back to you as soon as possible and look forward to helping you.