The effect comes from the caffeine contained in coffee. In nature, the substance helps the coffee plant protect itself from pests . When we drink it, it keeps us awake and focused. This exact effect offers us great advantages in everyday life. But that’s not all! Coffee and caffeine are also widespread in society, even worldwide. Whether it’s an espresso in a typical bar in Italy, a long coffee in a coffee house in Vienna, a Turkish mocha coffee or a coffee klatch in Germany , coffee is simply part of life. But if you leave out coffee or caffeine completely for a day, unpleasant physical symptoms arise. And this is exactly the effect that this blog article is all about – it’s about caffeine withdrawal or caffeine addiction. I, Elias Fischbacher from the Wildkaffee Rösterei, hope you have fun discovering these facts!
Caffeine withdrawal – what exactly is it?
The definition of caffeine withdrawal is actually quite simple. It describes the simple act of giving up the psychotropic substance . If you don't drink a lot of coffee, or maybe not every day, you usually don't notice withdrawal. But coffee drinkers who drink coffee every day, or maybe even enjoy several cups of coffee every day, have already become accustomed to the effects of caffeine . This creates a caffeine dependency, which is not really a dependency, but more of a habit.
But even though the secondary plant substance caffeine is not considered an addictive drug, the human body still suffers from withdrawal symptoms when it cannot indulge in the habit. This is largely because caffeine constricts the blood vessels and also triggers psychological effects in the brain . These feelings of alertness, concentration and full focus cannot be achieved without caffeine. This is also where the terms around caffeine addiction and the subsequent withdrawal come from. The symptoms you might experience during caffeine withdrawal also depend on your individual body. In the following sections, we will look at the various withdrawal symptoms.
Caffeine withdrawal - headaches
Headaches are a characteristic symptom of caffeine withdrawal . Over 50% of people who force such a withdrawal suffer from annoying headaches, especially in the beginning. 13% of people even say that the headaches are so severe that they feel unable to socialize.
Where do the headaches come from? Caffeine constricts the blood vessels. During withdrawal, the blood vessels are wide and more blood flows into the head than usual. This results in a migraine-like headache that makes the whole head, i.e. on both sides, throb. In reality, however, this does not apply to everyone. Some people do not feel a headache , while others can hardly leave the house. Why this is the case is still not clear.

Symptom - Fatigue
Coffee, with its caffeine content, ensures that you have an alert mind and an invigorating feeling. Most people enjoy their coffee not only because of the taste , but also because of its awakening effect. However, the exact opposite happens when you go without caffeine. Caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors in the brain . Adenosine is responsible for slowing down our nervous system. The result: dopamine and adrenaline are released.
We feel motivated and productive. However, the effects of a cup of coffee do not last very long, which is why most people drink several cups to stay awake and motivated throughout the day. This is precisely what is detrimental to withdrawal, because the exact opposite effect sets in: you feel tired and sleepy. The more caffeine you have consumed, the stronger the withdrawal symptoms are.

Symptom - Mood swings
Caffeine is a substance that has positive effects on the brain. It lifts the mood, improves concentration and generally keeps the mind alert. It is therefore not surprising that this effect occurs during caffeine withdrawal . People who are in the middle of withdrawal feel easily irritable and have to deal with strong mood swings. Caffeine consumers who have consumed a lot often even react with mild anxiety and depressive moods.

Symptom - Difficulty concentrating
It is not surprising that caffeine withdrawal affects people's ability to concentrate . Caffeine improves our ability to concentrate significantly. Memory performance and reaction time noticeably improve even when consuming small amounts. When we go cold turkey, we notice that our ability to concentrate decreases significantly .
Caffeine withdrawal - how long does it last?
First of all, I have to remind you that all of these facts are about cold, abrupt withdrawal. The withdrawal symptoms occur approximately 12-24 hours after the last coffee consumption. The withdrawal symptoms are most severe in the first two days. Caffeine withdrawal usually lasts around 9 days. However, this cannot be said in general terms, as withdrawal varies considerably from person to person. Why this is the case is still not fully understood.
Better to take it slow
To make the caffeine withdrawal last, you should take things a little easier. Conversely, this means gradually reducing your caffeine consumption. This allows your body to get used to the smaller amounts of caffeine step by step and you can avoid the unpleasant side effects of cold caffeine withdrawal. Set yourself a long-term period by slowly reducing your caffeine consumption to your personal goal. You can also replace your coffee with other drinks, e.g. our decaffeinated coffee from our online shop . You don't have to do without the great taste of coffee and you can still reduce your caffeine consumption.
Caffeine withdrawal – be careful!
But caution is also advised when going through caffeine withdrawal! Don't worry, there is no major physical danger waiting for you. It is more likely that there are foods that we don't generally know contain caffeine. For example: chocolate, various types of tea, cocoa, and even medications and supplements usually contain caffeine . Even if you don't consume large amounts, you should avoid them or at least reduce the amounts when going through withdrawal. Just knowing that these foods also contain caffeine should help you a lot with your withdrawal.
Caffeine withdrawal is a withdrawal that is generally relatively little known , although numerous people suffer from a subliminal caffeine dependence. The most common symptoms of cold turkey are headaches, fatigue, mood swings & difficulty concentrating .
However, cold turkey is often not the best choice, as withdrawal symptoms last between 2 - 9 days , which is why many people resort to the popular stimulant sooner. It is therefore advisable to reduce consumption gradually. Drawing up a precise plan for reducing caffeine is a helpful and sustainable way to permanently reduce caffeine consumption. Make sure that you avoid other foods that contain caffeine or that you are aware that these foods contain caffeine at all. Hang in there and #staywild !