
Collection: Coffee

High-quality coffee - direct from our roastery
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Our coffee roasts

How do I prepare my coffee? A very important aspect when choosing coffee! Fans of filter coffee preparation, for example in a manual filter, AeroPress or Chemex, are well advised to choose light to medium roasts. Our selected specialty coffees are the perfect choice for outstanding coffee enjoyment.

Do you prepare your coffee in a fully automatic machine, portafilter or moka pot? Then medium to dark roasts are your choice. Dark roasts are ideal for flavorful espressos or milky coffee drinks. But medium roasts can also be used for the above preparation methods. They are suitable for every preparation method.

Either as a slightly milder espresso with exciting fruity notes in the cup profile or as a strong filter coffee. Medium roasts are generally known as all-rounders that also taste excellent.

Which coffee is suitable for which preparation?

We have already mentioned the different roasting levels above. Which roasting levels are suitable for which type of preparation? Here is a brief overview:

Light roasts: manual filter, AeroPress, French Press and Chemex

Medium roasts: suitable for all types of preparation

Dark roasts: fully automatic, portafilter and moka pot

Our light roasts are single-origin specialty coffees that undergo special preparation methods and are then processed gently and sustainably in our roastery. This creates flavor-intensive, fruity notes. Medium roasts are known as all-rounders and cut an excellent figure in every type of preparation. These roasts are particularly popular in fully automatic machines, as they provide the typical nutty coffee enjoyment and also produce pleasant fruity, nutty notes in a latte. Dark roasts are ideal for strong espressos. The flavor-intensive classics are known for strong coffee enjoyment. The chocolaty notes are accompanied by a strong body and are the perfect choice for espresso fans.

Which countries of origin are there in which coffee is cultivated?

The decisive factor for the cup profile, i.e. the final taste of your cup of coffee, is of course the country of origin and the processing there! It must be mentioned that coffee is a natural product and the annual harvests can differ slightly in taste. External factors such as the amount of rainfall, soil conditions or sunny days play a major role.

One year's harvest can taste different to the following year's harvest. However, we can always determine this through cuppings and constant quality controls. You can always find the flavor notes of the different coffees in the description in the shop and on our packaging. The processing at the washing stations also plays a role in determining the taste.

Processing is the step that is carried out after harvesting to remove pulp, mucilage and skin from the actual coffee bean. After processing, the so-called green coffee is then dried for some time and turned several times. Once the bean has the right moisture content, usually around 10 %, the green coffee is sorted again and prepared for export.

The preparation and drying process varies depending on the country of origin and variety. There are now many different methods for teasing out particularly unusual flavors from coffee beans. Nowadays, people like to play around with fermentation to achieve particularly fruity notes in the cup profile. You can find more information about coffee preparation in the coffee knowledge section.

What is the best way to store coffee?

Coffee is a natural product and therefore needs to be stored correctly to preserve its taste and notes. Protection from the effects of oxygen, light and sun is particularly important. Oxygen causes the coffee to evaporate relatively quickly and lose its aromas. The worst case scenario for your beans, however, is moisture and heat.

If the coffee is stored in a damp place, it runs the risk of becoming moldy and thus completely unusable. If it is stored in a place that is too warm, the coffee oxidizes and the natural oils in the bean become rancid. It is also advisable not to store the coffee near spices or other things that have a strong smell. The strong smell is transferred to the coffee and can therefore be recognized in your cup profile.

Our bag contains an aroma protection valve to preserve taste and freshness. We recommend storing in a vacuum container. You can find these in our accessories shop.

How to find the right coffee for you

Have you now answered all of these factors for yourself? Then you can now start looking for your new favorite coffee from the Wildkaffee roastery! If you have any further questions about our delicious coffees, please write us a message on Instagram or Facebook, or simply send us an email at info@wild-kaffee.de!

We are happy to advise you and answer your questions. We look forward to your inquiry and your order. The Wildkaffee roastery team wishes you lots of fun discovering!