
Portafilter accessories - this is the equipment you need

The world of coffee is an endless journey of flavors and pleasures, and a portafilter machine can be our faithful companion on this caffeinated expedition. But to unleash the true magic of an excellent espresso, we need more than just coffee beans - we need the right portafilter accessories that will take our love of coffee to a new level. In this in-depth adventure, I'll share with you the secrets of portafilter accessories that make not only machines but also hearts beat faster.

Portafilter accessories – the machine

What should already be clear is that without a portafilter machine, there are no portafilter accessories and therefore no espresso, cappuccino or americano. But there is also a large selection of portafilter machines. To name just a few: Bezzera , ECM , La Marzocco , Heylo , Slayer , Rocket , Sage and many more. There are portafilter machines out there for every taste, every application and every budget. The higher the quality, the more expensive - but that's the case with everything. We don't recommend any here, simply because we don't want to take sides and because in the end it's all about the accessories. So let's start with the accessories.

Portafilter accessories – high-quality espresso grinder

Let's start with a true hero of our story - the espresso grinder. This technological marvel doesn't just grind coffee beans; it's the architect who lays the foundation for the perfect espresso. Invest in a good espresso grinder. But here, too, you don't have to invest thousands of euros - but you can. We have lots of grinders lying around, from hand-operated ones to very expensive ones that also weigh the ground coffee. For espresso, we mostly use the Markibar Izaga, with built-in scales. It's a little expensive for home use. Here, for example, we can recommend the Ceado grinders, but many other grinders on the market are also very good. Make sure that the grinder grinds evenly and doesn't form lumps. Espresso grinders come in different designs, such as conical grinders and disc grinders. The decision for a particular type depends on personal preferences and the desired grinding result.

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Portafilter accessories – precise scales

The optimal dosage of your espresso is the beat in this coffee symphony. We recommend 17 to 19 grams for a double espresso. In this area, you can experiment freely depending on the beans and portafilter machine and find the optimal recipe for you. It is important that your scales can handle all of this. It is best to measure the weight to one decimal place. Because an accurate dosage not only gives your espresso consistency, but also a personal touch that turns your espresso or cappuccino into a unique masterpiece. Many scales often offer additional functions such as timers and automatic shutdown, which further optimize the dosing process.

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Portafilter accessories – qualitative tamper

The tamper is a very simple tool, but it is particularly important for your espresso. This small cylinder allows you to extract a decent espresso from the ground coffee beans. If you were to clamp the portafilter in without tamping, a very thin and disgusting brew would come out of the machine. There are tons of tampers. Basically, they all serve their purpose. It is best to look for good materials, such as wood and metal. You should like the tamper and it should match the look of the rest of your equipment. And it should feel good in your hand. There are also tampers with preset pressure - you can do that, but it is not necessary. And for the professionals and frequent tampers among you, there are also automatic tamper machines - no one will need them at home.

Portafilter accessories – espresso cups

Yes, the cup is also part of the portafilter accessories. Where else should the espresso end up? In your hand? Although we could also say: espresso cups and also a size larger for Americanos and cappuccinos. We have written an article about the perfect espresso cup here . The shape and especially the material of the cup are important: ceramic or glass is best. Metal cups are less good because they affect the taste of the espresso and are not suitable at all. Paper cups. The color does affect the taste, but it is really up to you. Just remember that the inside of your espresso cup should be white so that the beautiful colors of the coffee come through.


Additional accessories

Well, if you have this equipment, you can make espressos until you drop. These are the main characters, so to speak. As in all areas , there are many more exciting gadgets that you can get to make your coffee specialties from the portafilter machine even better and more varied. The order is not weighted and you can choose for yourself what you need or don't need. In my experience, with a hobby or a passion, everything ends up in your shopping cart over time anyway.

Portafilter accessories – tamper mat

The tamper mat is a protective mat to protect your counter or kitchen table from marks, scratches and coffee stains. Force is used in every tamping process and the mat absorbs the energy you put into each movement. Not only does it protect the work surface, it also acts as a non-slip base for a stable tamping process. They are available in plastic and cork. Whatever suits you best.


Portafilter accessories – the Leveller

Before tamping comes leveling. And some might argue that leveling is even more important than tamping. By leveling, you distribute your ground coffee optimally and evenly in the sieve and thus create the basis for even compression of the puck when tamping. Levelers are available in various designs, from simple rotary models to complex, adjustable designs. The right depth is important and that the leveler matches the diameter of the portafilter. But in the end, you have to like it.

Portafilter accessories - the needle distributor

Let's move on to the portafilter accessory that might be useful, but somehow just looks like a gimmick: a needle distributor. Precisely manufactured needle distributors allow for even distribution of the coffee grounds and contribute to optimal extraction. So they basically do the same thing as levelers, just differently. Here too, they range from simple handles with needles to complex devices with planetary gears. If you have a leveler, then you don't really need a needle distributor, and vice versa.

Portafilter accessories – milk jug

This portafilter accessory is particularly important for all milk coffee lovers. For a good cappuccino you need good milk foam and for that you need a milk jug. Sure, you can use any jug that you have lying around in your kitchen. But wouldn't it be nice to have a jug that is just for your cappuccino enjoyment? Stainless steel jugs are durable and easy to clean, while copper jugs add a charming, rustic touch. Now you can decide who your milk jug sweetheart should be.

Portafilter accessories – milk frother

It doesn't happen often, but it is possible. You have a portafilter machine without a steam wand and still want a cappuccino. Then you need a milk frother. Electric milk frothers offer various settings for the foam texture, while manual hand frothers give you direct control over the frothing process. But it is actually easier to buy a portafilter machine with a steam wand. Because even if you only drink espresso, your partner or guests will definitely want a cappuccino at some point.

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Portafilter accessories – the knock box

You can also use the trash can or compost, but it is more practical and easier to place a grounds box or a grounds drawer under your grinder . There are also grounds containers of all sizes that you can place next to your grinder or portafilter machine. Modern grounds boxes have special insulation pads to minimize the noise when disposing of the coffee grounds. Otherwise, it's up to you what you like, what size meets your needs and of course what your budget allows - although grounds drawers are not that expensive.

Portafilter accessories – portafilter funnel

Funnels help to distribute the coffee powder evenly and make it easier to fill the portafilter. This way, nothing goes wrong. Only you can decide whether you really need something like this. It is not the deciding factor for a good espresso.


Portafilter accessories – Barista cloth

It doesn't have to be a special barista cloth, a kitchen towel is actually enough. But it does make sense. It's particularly useful to have several cloths. One for wiping down the machine, one for wiping out the portafilter and one for cleaning the steam wand. Microfiber cloths are particularly effective at removing residue without damaging the surfaces. You can often buy barista cloth sets - like in our shop . They contain everything you could possibly need.

Portafilter accessories – water spray bottle

Before grinding the beans, add a splash of water to the beans. Some coffee lovers swear by this and it's not a bad idea. The water reduces the static charge on the beans and allows them to be ground more evenly . But it works just fine without it too. So if you want, get a small spray bottle and spray your beans with water before grinding.

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Portafilter accessories – the blind sieve

Blind sieves are inserted into the portafilter to remove residues and clean the coffee machine . Because the water cannot escape downwards, it is pushed back into the brewing group and can loosen stuck coffee oils and other dirt. A blind sieve is therefore advisable, as you can only conjure up great espressos time and time again with a well-cleaned portafilter machine.

cleaning supplies

It could also be mentioned briefly here that it is best to get a suitable cleaning agent. There are many of these and the best thing is to gain your own experience with the effectiveness of the agents. Everyone values ​​something different. In our shop you will findNatural Clean for both your portafilter machine and your grinder.

Cleaning brush and brush

And if you want to be really thorough, then get a cleaning brush for the brewing group . This will allow you to get into every little crevice and brush out the dirt. There are also brushes for the portafilter itself, but you will need them more for cleaning the sieve between one espresso and the next. In our shop you will find a double brush with which you can clean the portafilter and your grinder.

Portafilter accessories – coffee powder dust blower

And again for the category “equipment that the world doesn’t (necessarily) need”. A coffee powder dust blower. This is used to keep your workspace clean and to blow away coffee powder lying around. It is available in an electric or hand-operated version. You can also simply wipe the coffee powder away or use your vacuum cleaner.

Portafilter accessories – Conclusion

As you can see, there are lots of accessories for your portafilter passion. Some of them you really need, others are just a gimmick. What you must not forget with all the accessories: the right coffee beans make espresso, cappuccino and the like really good. Because you can't make a good drink from cheap beans with the most expensive machine, but you can extract a good espresso from good beans, like our dark roasts , even with little equipment and an inexpensive machine.