The Energy Lab in Farchant on Bahnhofstrasse is brand new. And it's not just a café, it's a meeting place, an ice cream parlor and a place for cycling enthusiasts. It was created by the two Argentinians Andrea Canevaro and Mariano Davalli. "We love good quality in simplicity. We like to be innovative, to tackle new challenges and to master big challenges. Quality always comes above everything else," says Andrea, describing the duo's motto. They both love doing sports. Mariano has already taken part in more than 10 Ironmans and Andrea is a qualified sports teacher and lifeguard. The two also met through sport, or rather through triathlons.
And then, a few years ago, the moment came when they decided to leave their homeland of Argentina. Since Andrea had already vacationed in the Alps and both love the mountains, the lakes and the proximity to nature here, Bavaria was already the chosen destination. In the end, they decided between the regions of Rosenheim and Garmisch-Partenkirchen. It was Farchant. They now want to realize their gastronomic dreams there. But it shouldn't just be a café or an ice cream parlor... Andrea and Mariano want to offer a special service especially for cyclists: a bike station where you can pump up your tires or, in the worst case, repair them.

EnergyLab - Interview
Wildkaffee: How did this idea come about, Andrea?
Andrea: We created this café, a mix of all our passions. Cycling, coffee specialties, ice cream and handmade treats. We pay attention to the highest quality in everything we do. This café is a meeting point where you can recharge your batteries after a long day of training. Or you can simply meet up with friends and family to enjoy an excellent coffee accompanied by some treats and a delicious homemade ice cream. Everything starts with a cup of coffee and ends with an ice cream. Start your ride or end your ride, we'll meet at the Energy Lab.
Wildkaffee: A special concept and you come from Argentina: Were there any hurdles before opening?
Mariano: One of the biggest challenges was learning new rules and laws related to gastronomy in a language that is not our mother tongue. It was also difficult to cope with all that. The ups and downs of being away from family and friends. But luckily we met a lot of new friends and good people here who helped us make things easy.
Wildkaffee: And how did you find us?
Andrea: Before we opened our café, we lived in Garmisch-Partenkirchen for about two years. As coffee sommeliers, we are not satisfied with just any cup of coffee , so we searched until we found a café that met our expectations. That's how we found Wildkaffee Café, where we not only went to drink, but could also buy beans to take home.
Wildkaffee: Which of our coffees do you serve?
Mariano: We use the house espresso , Colombia , El Salvador Kombucha and Kenya Kangiri . We also have your cold brew.
Wildkaffee: But you have a lot more… what do you serve with your coffee?
Andrea: Well, if there is one thing that really stands out from our products, it is the ice cream. It is made using recipes that are in some cases more than 70 years old. We use fresh milk from the Bichlerhof and fresh eggs from Boaneggers Eierhütte here in Farchant. It is very important to us to work with excellent raw materials in order to achieve excellent results. We have also brought a little of our homeland with us and use regional ingredients to make Argentinian baked goods such as alfajores or medialunas . In any case, everything we offer is handmade by us.
Wildkaffee: So there are also unusual things. What do customers order from you?
Mariano: If I had to choose something typical, it would be a piece of cheesecake with a cappuccino . For the little ones, a scoop of ice cream.

Wildkaffee: What other projects do you have for the future?
Andrea: Our project for the future is to be able to integrate more sports into our facilities . We would also really like to offer bike tours or form a training group that meets here and then goes training together. Maybe even with us as trainers, since I am a sports teacher and trainer and Mariano has more than 15 years of experience in sports.
Wildkaffee: Then let's find out more about coffee and you. How do you like to start your day?
Both: Very different. Mariano prefers an espresso and a cappuccino. And Andrea likes a large cup of coffee from the Chemex .

Wild Coffee: And what is your favorite way to prepare coffee?
Both: If we could only choose ONE, it would be the Chemex.
Wildkaffee: How did you grow up and how did you get into gastronomy?
Mariano: I grew up in Saavedra, a district of Buenos Aires, Argentina. I got into the restaurant business through my father, who opened his first ice cream parlor in the 1970s and taught me everything about making ice cream. I taught myself everything else.
Andrea: I grew up in San Isidro in the north of Buenos Aires and have always been interested in healthy eating. Later, Mariano encouraged me to become more actively involved in the kitchen.
Wild Coffee: Is there something that gets on your nerves?
Mariano: Well, Andrea basically copes with all the restaurant madness without any problems, as long as she can exercise a few times a week and gets enough sleep. Otherwise it gets complicated.
Andrea: And it is difficult for Mariano when he cannot meet the expectations of his customers or when he does not achieve the perfection he has set for himself or when he has to deal with completely unexpected things.
Wild Coffee: What makes you happiest?
Both: What pleases us most is when we hear from our customers that they like our products and notice that they are special products.

Wildkaffee: What do you enjoy most about your work?
Both: Mariano loves cooking because it helps him relax. And he likes talking to customers to get their opinion on his products. Andrea loves interacting with customers , making them feel special and hearing their stories.
Wildkaffee: Do you have a motto in life?
Mariano: Nunca te rindas. So never give up!
Andrea : Whether you do it with a smile and enjoy it , or just don't do it.
Wildkaffee: Thank you for your time and continued success.