
Spicy - Chocolate - Caramel

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$40.00  per  kg
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  • About the coffee

    Our Hausespresso is one of our stronger espresso roasts. The finest coffee beans from Brazil, El Salvador and Guatemala as well as the fresh roasting by our experienced roasting masters create the familiar taste and a flavor-intensive cup profile of our Hausespresso. The bag features Hardi Wild's great-grandfather Leonhard Panholzer, who sold the first roasted coffee in Partenkirchen in 1892 and thus began the history of coffee in the family.

  • About the origin

    The Hausespresso is one of our stronger espresso roasts. High-quality coffee beans from Brazil, El Salvador and Guatemala create an incredibly delicious cup profile. The three different country coffees complement each other to create a harmonious blend that is particularly impressive due to its spiciness.

    Country of origin: Brazil, El Salvador, Guatemala
    Cultivation altitude: 1,100 - 1,700 m
    Type: 100% Arabica
    Processing: Washed & Natural
    Variety: Yellow Catuai, Pacas, Catimor
    Roast: Dark

  • Special feature

    A special feature of this exquisite blend is definitely the proportion of the Pacas variety from El Salvador. This is a project coffee from our own coffee project - the Coffee School Project. There we bought a plantation in the region around Santa Ana, Buenos Aires, where we train farmers from the region in new cultivation methods, processing, high-yield harvest export, etc. in order to give the region a new perspective on coffee cultivation. The region was originally a specialty coffee stronghold, which almost completely came to a standstill due to shady coffee traders, leaf rust and political instability. This resulted in numerous abandoned fincas, although the region actually had perfect conditions for growing specialty coffee. All of these grievances prompted us to realize this project. We are proud that a proportion of our Hausespresso blend comes from this sustainable project.


This is how you prepare homemade espresso in a portafilter!

You need 19 g of very finely ground coffee and your portafilter equipment

1. Remove the portafilter and wipe it with a cloth.
2. Distribute the coffee evenly and compact it using a tamper.
3. Rinse the brewing group and insert the portafilter.
4. Now start the brewing process, which should last between 25 - 30 seconds

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Wildkaffee Roastery


Hausespresso - a strong blend

Our Hausespresso is definitely not for the faint-hearted. The blend of three different country coffees has a chocolaty, spicy taste, which also contains nuanced caramel notes thanks to the proportion of Guatemalan green coffee. The mixture consists of three different varieties: Yellow Catuai from Brazil, Pacas from El Salvador and Catimor from Guatemala. In our coffee roastery it is gently roasted dark, so that the Hausespresso contains hardly any caffeic acid and is therefore particularly digestible. It is an excellent powerhouse as an espresso, but is also suitable for excellent coffee drinks with milk.

Hausespresso - a great blend

The 100% Arabica Espresso Blend not only tastes excellent, but is also particularly high quality. The coffee from Brazil comes from the Finca Capim Branco of the Andrade farming family. The portion from El Salvador comes from our own Coffee School project, which was explained in more detail in the previous paragraph. The Catimor variety comes from the Finca Santa Isabel of farmer Alex Keller. All coffees in this blend are cultivated and processed according to the principles of organic farming. The overall package of the Hausespresso promises a particularly flavorful cup profile. We look forward to sharing this intense coffee experience with you.

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