Everything about the Flat White March 29, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei “A flat white please!” We get an order like this every day at the Wildkaffee Café. The flat white has long been established in new, trendier cafés. Visually, it is...
What is Cascara? We'll tell you! March 29, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei A tea that is made from coffee, tastes sweet and fruity and has nothing in common with coffee as we know it in terms of taste and appearance? It's a...
Turkish Mocha Coffee - History and Preparation March 28, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei Turkish mocha has a close connection to global coffee history. Turkish mocha coffee originated in the Ottoman Empire around the 16th century . At that time, coffee was still considered...
Hot, but not boiling - the ideal filter coffee temperature March 28, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei Brew coffee, they say, and not boil coffee ... although that is only the case in professional circles, because unfortunately coffee is often boiled. The boiling hot water is poured...
The best coffee for fully automatic machines! March 28, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei In the coffee scene, fully automatic machines have a rather dusty image. They are often associated with rather modest coffee taste. But fully automatic machines are actually quite capable of...
Fully automatic machine guide – good taste of coffee from the fully automatic machine March 28, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei It's wonderful when everything is done for you. You just press a button and your fully automatic machine delivers a delicious coffee, espresso or cappuccino . Sounds simple - but...
Channeling - why your espresso tastes watery or sour March 28, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei To wake up in the morning or at lunchtime after a good meal: an espresso is always something tasty and pleasant . But unfortunately it can often go wrong ....
Affogato: ultimate guide for espresso with vanilla ice cream March 27, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei It's hot, I want an ice cream, but quick, right! But I also want an espresso... well, then let's just mix the two things. That's how the affogato, i.e. the...
Coffee lungo – so you can enjoy it for even longer! March 27, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei The basic unit of Italian coffee is espresso or caffè. This can be changed to different drinks by using more or less water during brewing or afterwards . The caffè...
Tamping and leveling coffee correctly for the portafilter March 26, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei If you want espresso, you have to tamp your coffee properly . The espresso will only taste good if the coffee puck is compressed correctly in the portafilter. But tamping...
Find the right coffee maker for you! March 26, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei You've discovered coffee for yourself! Great! With or without milk, short or long, diluted or compressed. There are so many types of coffee and therefore just as many coffee makers....
Coffee recipes for summer! March 23, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei We'll show you how to give the classic cold brew a special touch, how to sweeten the Italian classic Affogato and how filter coffee provides the necessary refreshment even in...