Does coffee help against headaches? March 29, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei Headaches – the most common disease and everyone knows some home remedy for this annoying pain. In fact, in addition to ibuprofen or an aspirin tablet, there are also completely...
Fruity coffee - discover the variety of filter coffee March 29, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei Fruity coffee? Is there such a thing? Of course! We often get asked which coffee is particularly fruity, or how to best prepare fruity coffee. In this article we would...
The important role of women in the coffee business March 29, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei Gender equality, women's rights and the recognition of their work are, as everywhere else in the world, issues in the coffee business that still require a lot of clarification. Access...
Long live the (perfect) espresso cups! March 28, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei It is the last resort before you can enjoy your espresso: the espresso cup . It is not just a vessel into which you pour the brown gold. It is...
Coffee consumption in Germany – this is how people drink coffee in 2022! March 27, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei Brown, hot and with a good 800 possible flavors. We're talking about coffee . And since we Germans are all about statistics and annual reports, there is also an annual...
Coffee Blending vs. Single Origin March 26, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei It's all in the mix! This lovely saying applies to many things... including coffee. But we want to delve deeper into the area of coffee blending vs. single origin ....
Coffee exchange - how coffee is traded on the stock exchange March 25, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei Admittedly... when you enjoy your cup of coffee, you usually don't think about the exact world market price on the coffee exchange. In general, the general public knows relatively little...
Coffee price - how it is composed March 25, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei Direct trade with farmers is the complete opposite of coffee traded on the stock exchange. Let's start with the perspective. Coffee is preferably seen as a luxury item rather than...
Bad coffee - Lorke, Lurke, flower coffee March 19, 2024Wildkaffee Rösterei You can find bad coffee everywhere - although from my own experience, it's more common at gas stations than anywhere else. But that's changing too. Nevertheless, the question remains: How...