
Demeter & Espresso - this is how it works!

We have already explained to you in the article "Sustainable coffee - is it possible?" that sustainability in relation to coffee is not that easy. Nevertheless, there are ways to make your coffee even more sustainable. One of these options is seals that aim to guarantee with certain standards that coffee or other products are cultivated and processed biodynamically . In this blog article, we will introduce you to Demeter in more detail. We have been working with this seal for 2 years now, which is how our Demeter Farmers Voice Edition came about. Our certified Farmers Voice line generally stands for biodynamic coffees that are cultivated and processed 100% sustainably from the bean to the bag. But how does the certificate work and what influence does it have on cultivation and processing? We will explain all of this to you in our new article. Elias Fischbacher from the Wildkaffee Rösterei wishes you lots of fun discovering.

Demeter - What exactly is it?

Back to the beginning! Demeter is a seal that is issued on farms and in the roastery in accordance with various organic and biodynamic standards . Demeter stands for organic and sustainable farming. This means that every farm is seen as a closed system. Soil, animals, plants and people thus form a cycle. Demeter is the oldest German organic farming association and also the one with the strictest controls on its certified members.

But the seal does not just stand for the biodynamic philosophy . The harmonious balance between cultivated land and animal husbandry is also fundamental. What is also special about Demeter is that the entire economic chain is taken into account. The holistic idea of ​​social and fair treatment connects the farmers and producers with the retailers and consumers.


How does the certification work?

The basis for certification is the biodynamic working methods of a company whose products originate from a natural ecosystem. Each certification process is different because, as mentioned above, each company is viewed as an individual organism . The basic idea or foundation of the certification is based on four organs, which are essential despite the individuality. To be more precise, they are these Demeter organs: the soil as a valuable basis for every food, the plant as food for humans and animals, and compost. The animal is the supplier of its own products and also creates the basis for high-quality fertilizer. Humans act as mediators between all of these organs. They are responsible for the entire organism and, taking cosmic rhythms into account, humans should give nature time to develop naturally.

In addition to these organs , biodynamic farming is a large part of the certification. What does biodynamic farming mean? It consists, among other things, of self-made preparations. When converting to Demeter, the use of preparations is mandatory . These are natural fertilizers and are divided into compost preparations and field spray preparations. Demeter therefore stands for a closed operating cycle. As few external substances as possible should be needed. If this working method and attitude is understood, the chances of Demeter certification are good.

Is that also organic?

A clear yes! In addition to the extensive Demeter certification, the companies also undergo organic controls according to the EU organic seal. This means that all Demeter products also meet all EU organic requirements.


Espresso & coffee from the Wild Coffee Roastery - Farmers Voice

You will also find high-quality Demeter coffees in our range. With our Farmers Voice line, we want to offer you sustainable coffee from bean to bag . The coffees that we use for our Farmers Voice line come from farms that are of course subject to strict controls. Our range includes 3 different Demeter coffees. 2 Demeter espresso varieties and one Demeter coffee. I don't think I need to say that transparency is extremely important at the Wildkaffee Roastery!

The green coffee for our Demeter coffees & espressos comes from Brazil (Finca Camocim/Henrique Sloper), Guatemala (Finca Isabel/Alex Keller) and India (Finca Poabs/cooperative of 380 farming families). We get the green coffee for our Demeter line directly from the plantations. Regular exchanges with the farmers and regular, personal visits to the farm also help us to understand the certification on the farms. Logically, the Demeter certification presents both economic partners, i.e. farmers and roasters, with possible obstacles.


The most sustainable packaging in the world!

The topic of sustainability is particularly relevant in the 21st century. Together we want to move into a future that is just as worth living for us and future generations as it is for us. And we can only achieve this together! Every little point, every little action and every little consideration must be carefully questioned and optimized! It was precisely with these sustainable ideas that we wanted to round off the Farmers Voice cycle as best as possible . So packaging made of conventional plastic was out of the question. Our packaging should be biodegradable and yet functional.

You have to know that coffee should be packaged in an airtight and odorless manner . The idea of ​​sustainability was therefore an additional complication. After a long search and testing, we decided on an aluminum-free paper bag that is 100% biodegradable and therefore compostable. The coffee bag for our Farmers Voice Espresso & Coffee is a real world first ! With a bag of Demeter Espresso from Farmers Voice, you can not only make yourself a delicious cup of coffee, but also put the coffee grounds and the bag in your compost. This makes the Farmers Voice coffee bag 100% biodegradable, 100% compostable and 100% made from renewable raw materials .


With its seal, the Demeter Association ensures that the production of numerous raw materials is carried out according to strict principles . However, there are no rigid rules that cannot be changed. Rather, it is a circular economy that knows how to produce high-quality, organic products in harmony with nature, people and animals. Demeter is the oldest organic association in Germany and also has the strictest requirements of all seals. We also have 3 high-quality coffees, all of which are certified. It is our Farmers Voice selection! The delicious coffees are 100% sustainable from the bean to the bag. Our Farmers Voice bag is something very special. It is the first coffee packaging that is 100% biodegradable.